Raising Sons of Promise: A Guide for Single Mothers of Boys, By Roland C. Warren
Raising Sons of Promise
  • Length: 232 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.5 in
  • Published: December 07, 2021
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: A0289
  • ISBN: 9781514002896

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Millions of single mothers find themselves in the difficult position of raising boys alone. Many of those boys are at risk of falling behind in school or repeating the patterns of their own absent or neglectful fathers. Single mothers, who are often the only parental influence on their sons, are critical to reversing this troubling trend. But how?

You might be wounded by the broken promises of your child's father. But God offers a greater promise to you and your family. Roland Warren, himself the child of a single mother, invites single moms on a journey not only to heal their hearts but also to parent their boys to become healthy men, good husbands, and strong fathers. He offers guidance and wisdom to moms who want to raise sons who will make and keep their commitments.

Drawing from the Genesis story of Hagar and Ishmael, Warren shares insights and stories of how mothers can find healing and hope for their sons to become better men of character and action.

"Single mothers entrusted with the upbringing of boys often feel inadequate to help guide their sons toward manhood—and those of us who were raised without the benefit of a father know firsthand the unique challenges inherent in this family structure. However, Roland Warren has some invaluable reassurance for single moms: the Lord is more than willing to empower and equip you in your vital role."

Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family

"We have an urgent crisis in the United States—fatherlessness. Research clearly reveals that father absence negatively affects children emotionally, physically, intellectually, and cognitively. As a pediatrician, I have worked with many single mothers over the past thirty years, and they need far more help than they are getting. I strongly recommend Roland Warren's Raising Sons of Promise. Our sons need it and our country needs it. Mothers (even married ones) need help, and this book can offer it."

Meg Meeker, MD, author of Strong Mothers, Strong Sons

"I could not put this book down once I started to read it. Raising Sons of Promise is filled with advice, encouragement, and uplifting Scriptures. It's a useful guide for single mothers, especially the ones who do not have anyone to advise them on this issue. Every single mom needs to read this book."

Anita Barnaby, single mother of six

"Like every mother, the single mother's journey is multifaceted and complex. Some days are filled with laughter and joy while other are wrought with exhaustion and insecurity. But a single mother carries the weight of a thousand burdens that she was never intended to carry alone. She works tirelessly to successfully juggle it all, taking great care to ensure it seems effortless to outside eyes. In Raising Sons of Promise, Roland Warren is cracking open the lid of these burdens so that healing, transformation, and hope can arise. Using his own story as a launching pad, he weaves encouragement and truth into every page."

Jennifer Maggio, CEO of The Life of a Single Mom and author of The Church and the Single Mom

"Moms of boys will find hope in these pages. There is big-picture hope to help them dream, and practical, day-to-day hope to increase their confidence. Engaging illustrations, the right amount of Scripture applied perfectly (reading about the prodigal son gave me chills), inspiring data, and practical well-explained ideas make this book a valuable read. It won't make anyone feel more overwhelmed. Instead, Roland Warren's approach will diminish the feeling. There will also be less fear, shame, and blame and more courage, grace, mercy, and truth. Single moms can parent boys well. Roland has proof!"

Kathy Koch, founder of Celebrate Kids and author of Five to Thrive

"For any mother who needs courage and encouragement as well as a new vision for her parenting, Raising Sons of Promise is the guide that will not disappoint. For the mother who is mothering alone, Roland Warren has some valuable wisdom you might have missed. Raising Sons of Promise could take your parenting to the next level—not higher but deeper into the heart of your son. Roland Warren has written a book that will help any mother be part of the transitional generation where the sins of the father are not repeated by the boy. Hope, help, and healing are all found in this great guide that gives a mother of a son the greatest chance of raising an authentic man who will one day be an involved, responsible, faithful, and committed father."

Stephen Arterburn, author of Take Your Life Back and founder of New Life Live!

"Roland Warren is passionate about helping single moms thrive and flourish. Raising Sons of Promise will break you down and build you up all at the same time. Roland gives you permission to be vulnerable and real with God and get the healing you need so that you can parent your sons from a place of freedom and wholeness. This book will challenge and empower you!"

Amy Ford, president of Embrace Grace and author of Help Her Be Brave: Discover Your Place in the Pro-Life Movement

Read an Excerpt


Foreword by Dr. Tony Evans

Part 1: Your Journey
1. I Am Ishmael
2. Your Inner Hagar Story
3. Processing Loss
4. Healing Your Inner Hagar
5. Forgiving Your Abraham
6. Expectations
7. If Your Abraham Returns: The Prodigal Father

Part 2: Leading Your Son's Journey
8. Understanding Your Son's World Today
9. Helping Your Son Be What He Did Not See
10. The Power of Purpose
11. The Power of Presence
12. The Power of Connection
13. The Power of Promise
14. Preparing Your Son to Launch
Conclusion: A Rocket of Hope

Appendix: Support for Single Moms by Jennifer Maggio


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Roland C. Warren

Roland C. Warren is the CEO of Care Net, one of the largest networks of crisis pregnancy centers in North America. A graduate of Princeton University and the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, Roland spent eleven years as president of the National Fatherhood Initiative. His national media appearances include The Oprah Winfrey Show, The TODAY Show, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Ebony, Christianity Today, and Essence. He is the author of Bad Dads of the Bible, and he and his wife have two adult sons.