Reviving Mission: Awakening to the Everyday Movement of God, By Linson Daniel and Jon Hietbrink and Eric Rafferty
Reviving Mission
  • Length: 240 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.5 in
  • Published: December 17, 2024
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: A0962
  • ISBN: 9781514009628

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God's mission is for everyone, every day.

In the midst of societal disruption and disillusionment, we're seeing signs of a new season of God bringing people into renewal and revival. Jesus is the Sent One who invites us to become like him and live as sent people. God is leading us into a new normal where all of us—not just the professionals—can encounter him and experience his work.

Apostolic mission leaders Linson Daniel, Jon Hietbrink, and Eric Rafferty reveal God's invitation into everyday mission in the way of Jesus. Though Christians may be discouraged by various challenges, this season holds opportunities for experiencing God's movement in fresh ways among unlikely people.

With biblical insights into how Jesus and the early church lived, the authors invite us into four Es of reviving mission:

  • Encountering God
  • Exploring what he's doing all around us
  • Empowering those he sends us to, and
  • Establishing communal rhythms of transforming habits and habitats.

This model of holistic mission brings together the person of God, postures of redemption, and practices of engagement in a way that equips ordinary people for transformation and renewal.

God's mission revives us as sent ones and the communities we are sent to. Come and be awakened to his everyday movement all around you.

"Is God doing a new thing? Linson Daniel, Jon Hietbrink, and Eric Rafferty dare to say that he is! And they are correct. In Reviving Mission, they invite the reader into a renewed wonder and enchantment of a God who is moving toward creation and inviting it into the intimate love of God. This book made me want to be a missionary again. Not somewhere else. But right here."

A.J. Swoboda, associate professor of Bible and theology at Bushnell University in Eugene, Oregon, and author of The Gift of Thorns

"This book is a well-written exploration of contemporary mission in culturally diverse, post-Christian contexts. It is not just a good example of robust but accessible theological reflection, but it is grounded in the living experience of the authors. Good stuff!"

Alan Hirsch, award-winning author of The Forgotten Ways and The Shaping of Things to Come and founder of Forge Missional Training Network and the Movement Leaders Collective

"While some missional literature sounds grave warnings about the parlous state of the church today, Reviving Mission is rooted in an infectious optimism about the unfurling of the Kingdom and the church's role in it. The authors believe God is up to something, and their book is a clarion call for us to take our place in the new season he is stirring up around the world. Inspiring and practical."

Michael Frost, founder of the Tinsley institute at Morling College in Sydney, Australia, and coauthor with Christiana Rice, of To Alter Your World

"If you want to turn from cynicism to wonder, read this book! Linson Daniel, Jon Hietbrink, and Eric Rafferty testify to how God is at work in our world through those who seek him. Understanding the 4E framework illustrated in Reviving Mission transfers mission from professionals to everyday Christ-followers. This is a kairos moment: as we look toward God's future, anticipating it in the present, we can participate with the God of history in creating a future filled with unshakable joy!"

JR Woodward, national director of the V3 Movement, author of Creating a Missional Culture and The Scandal of Leadership, and coauthor with Dan White Jr., of The Church as Movement


Preface: Signs of a New Season

1. A New Season and a New Way
2. Jesus' Holistic Mission

Part 1: Encounter
3. God Is Here
4. God Is Moving

Part 2: Explore
5. Lift Up Your Eyes
6. People of Peace

Part 3: Empower
7. By What Power?
8. Serve and Send

Part 4: Establish
9. God of Cadence
10. God of the Garden-City

11. Conclusion: The Joy of Jesus
Epilogue: Heralds of a New Normal



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