Starting Something New: Spiritual Direction for Your God-Given Dream, By Beth A. Booram alt

Starting Something New

Spiritual Direction for Your God-Given Dream

by Beth A. Booram

Starting Something New
  • Length: 185 pages
  • Published: March 05, 2015
  • Imprint: IVP Formatio
  • Item Code: 9719
  • ISBN: 9780830897193

*affiliate partner

Do you have a dream? Do you have a creative idea stirring within you to do something different or start something new? If so, you're not alone.

Many people have God-given dreams but don?t know how to discern what they are and develop them into something real. Most of these dreamers aren't business people or experienced entrepreneurs. They're just sincere Christ-followers who need a spiritual and practical guide to help them realize their dream—whether it be to start a new ministry, non-profit or business, or even the vision to begin a new lifestyle.

Drawing from her personal experience and the stories of fifteen others, spiritual director Beth Booram has written this companion guide for those who wonder if they have a God-given idea but don?t know what to do with it. Interviews from people like Chris Smith, Phileena Heuertz and Randy Reese who have courageously embraced a God-prompted idea are included with each chapter to add further vision and insight. Carefully designed exercises at the end of each chapter will guide and provide practical support for those who are on the spiritual journey of identifying and acting on a God-given dream. By the end, you will know that one of the privileged tasks of life is to discern, shape, birth and sustain something new.

"Most dreams go unnoticed or ignored and quietly die. Others are noticed but not adequately nurtured, meeting the same end. Yet the God of superabundance continues to knock at the door of our intellect, desire and imagination, inviting us to participate in the restoration of all things. So what a remarkable gift to have such a wise woman, steeped in the realities of dream-birthing, provide us with reliable ways of noticing, nurturing and birthing the very life of God into this world! Beth Booram has given us a healthy incubator, and I light up when I think about the unaccountable good that many thousands will receive from the dreams that are made incarnate through this book!"

David Nixon, founder and director of Sustainable Faith, founding pastor of Vineyard Central

"As a huge proponent of the importance of dreams and an even larger advocate for the ministry of spiritual direction, I quickly became a fan of this terrific book on both topics! Thanks to Beth Booram for writing such an inviting text for all who wish to discern their God-given dreams."

Stephen Macchia, president of Leadership Transformations, and author of Crafting A Rule of Life

"Starting Something New is a refreshing book of wisdom that promises to support anyone who is daring to let a dream take hold of their life. With engaging insight Beth Booram offers the best of spiritual direction to help us discern God's creative work in and through us and find the courage and boldness to live the dreams stirring in our heart."

Phileena Heuertz, author, Pilgrimage of a Soul, co-founder, Gravity, a Center for Contemplative Activism

"This new book by Beth Booram is a wonderful gift to all of us who dare to dream but are unsure what to do with those dreams. . . . Immensely practical, it will walk you through the process of nurturing dreams within a climate of spiritual discernment. Hold this book in one hand and your dream in the other and watch as the Spirit leads you forward!"

David G. Benner, author of The Gift of Being Yourself

"God is up to something good in our lives, requiring a prayerful work of paying attention. Starting Something New is a timely resource for those seeking discernment and guidance for the secret stirring within that just won't go away. Beth Booram offers both inspiration and wisdom through her own story and the stories of those who trusted the Spirit's stirring to follow after their own God-given dreams. Whether you are seeking direction or providing it for others, Starting Something New will help set people on a path they were meant to follow after."

Randy Reese, president, VantagePoint3, and coauthor of Deep Mentoring

"Booram weaves in the stories of her directees and a number of other people she interviewed. These stories, not only of success but also of the challenges during the different stages of birthing of a large leading, are helpful and instructive, especially when considered alongside the suggested journaling exercises at the end of each chapter."

Patricia Morrison, Friends Journal, November 1, 2016

"If you ever have felt as if a new idea or dream was stirring inside of you, but you couldn't tell whether it was yours or God's, Starting Something New may be exactly what you need. . . . This book would be perfect for youth pastors/leaders who are feeling as if God is calling them to do something new within their ministries. Warning: You are going to want a lot of time to process this book and may benefit from having the involvement of a spiritual guide or mentor."

Andrea Sawtelle, YouthWorker Journal, September/October 2015

"A thoughtful aid for the discernment of one's call, this book will be especially helpful for those considering a new dream. It will give you some guidance as well as courage to take a risk on the dream of God that is coming forth from you."

The Presbyterian Outlook, April 13, 2015

"Read this slowly and reflectively. The stages of discernment and growth Booram describes can spread out over many years. Let this be one of many companions in discernment throughout the long and joyful journey of starting something new."

Christopher Brown, Poiesis Theou, December 28, 2015



Part I: Discerning a God-Given Dream
Interview: Abby Kuzma and the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
1. Conceiving
Reflection: Paying Attention to What You Are Praying
Interview: Randy Reese and VantagePoint3
2. Brooding
Reflection: Discerning Your Personal Values
Interview: Phileena Heuertz and Gravity?a Center for Contemplative Activism
3. Welcoming
Reflection: Welcoming Your Dream
Interview: Chris Smith and the Englewood Review of Books
4. Discerning
Reflection: A Personal and Prayerful Approach to Discernment
Reflection: A Communal Approach to Discernment

Part II: Shaping a God-Given Dream
Interview: MaryBeth Jackson and the Viewfinder Project
5. Naming
Reflection: Choosing a Name
Interview: Elizabeth Roney and Liz Alig Fashion
6. Shaping
Reflection: Shaping Your Dream
Interview: Dave Baldwin and Furnace Hills Coffee
7 Sorting
Reflection: Learning to Sort Things Out
Interview: Joanna Taft and the Harrison Center for the Arts
8. Changing
Reflection: Standing at the Crossroads
Interview: Nate Hershey and City Life Wheels
9. Waiting
Reflection: In the Waiting Room
Interview: Melissa Millis and Nou Hope
10. Dying
Reflection: Paying Attention to What?s Happening Through the Dying Process
Interview: Suzy Roth and Hands of Hope Adoption and Orphan Care
11. Resurrecting
Reflection: Signs of Life

Part III: Birthing a God-Given Dream
Interview: Tom Durant and Eco Café Haiti
12. Birthing
Reflection: Ideas to Celebrate and Dedicate Your Dream
Interview: Katie Taylor and Film School Africa
13. Living
Reflection: Your New Normal and Your Growing Edge
Interview: Sibyl Towner and the Springs
14. Sustaining
Reflection: My Rhythms and Rule of Life

Epilogue: What Comes of Dreams
Appendix : Web Resources


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Beth A. Booram

Beth A. Booram is the cofounder and director of Fall Creek Abbey, an urban retreat center in Indianapolis, where she and her husband David lead The School of Spiritual Direction and offer individual and group spiritual direction. She is the coauthor of Awaken Your Senses and the author of several books including Starting Something New.