Temptations Women Face: Honest Talk About Jealousy, Anger, Sex, Money, Food, Pride, By Mary Ellen Ashcroft

Temptations Women Face

Honest Talk About Jealousy, Anger, Sex, Money, Food, Pride

Saltshaker Books

by Mary Ellen Ashcroft

Temptations Women Face
  • Length: 213 pages
  • Published: June 02, 1993
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 1320
  • ISBN: 9780830813209

*affiliate partner

"Why am I so consumed with what's trivial instead of what's really important?""When I feel like a failure, I look at somebody else and get so envious.""I know why I accumulate nice things and even nice people--to prove that I'm worth something."

Mary Ellen Ashcroft knows firsthand about these thoughts and feelings. In this book she writes about where the needs and motivations of women come from, what temptations hook into these needs and how women can get beyond them. As women, she says, we can find ourselves tempted to

  • fill our lives with things
  • let our anger consume us
  • focus on food or dieting
  • believe distortions about sex
  • get stuck in our dissatisfaction

Ashcroft maintains that we should look honestly at our temptations and ask what they tell us about ourselves. She believes that God's intention is not simply that we avoid, resist or flee temptation, but that we use it to fire our spiritual growth in areas of life we have neglected. Temptations Women Face shows the way through each temptation and helps us day by day to build a life pleasing to God.

"Ashcroft may be unveiling a good new day for half of the human race!"

The Christian Reader

"A thought-provoking and important book."

Christian Woman

"A book all women and perhaps all Christians need to read. It reminds us that we need to sit much longer at Jesus' feet doing what cannot be taken away from us."





Part I: What's the Problem?
1. Women Are Different: Legends Findings
2. Temptation Sin from a Woman's Perspective

Part II: Symptoms: Trying to Fill the Aching Gap
3. Trusting Externals to Make Us Feel Good
4. Filling Our Lives with Things
5. Focusing on Food
6. Filling Our Lives with the Trivial
7. Letting Our Anger Consume Us
8. Believing Distortions About Intimacy
9. Believing Distortions About Sex
10. Getting Stuck in Our Dissatisfaction

Part III: Building a Holy Life
11. A Quick Fix for a Holy Life
12. Dead End: Legalism or License
13. Being Real with Ourselves, Others God
14. Responsible Belonging in a Community of Faith


Appendix--Prayers of Confession



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Mary Ellen Ashcroft

Mary Ellen Ashcroft is college chaplain and professor of English at Kalamazoo Christian College (Michigan). She has previously taught at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota.