The Anxiety Field Guide: Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing, By Jason Cusick alt

The Anxiety Field Guide

Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing

by Jason Cusick

The Anxiety Field Guide
  • Length: 176 pages
  • Published: April 26, 2022
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: A0346
  • ISBN: 9781514003466

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Anxiety is one of the most pressing mental health issues of our day.

Millions of people in our society suffer from anxiety, often unbeknownst to those around them. The pressures of modern life seem specially designed to cause anxiety, and anxiety is on the rise in recent years.

The good news is that anxiety is very treatable. Pastor Jason Cusick tells the story of his own history with anxiety and offers expertise, practical guidance, and empathy. The book is intentionally designed for the reader to be an easy entry point with short, easily digestible chapters and simple step-by-step instructions for developing healthy habits for long-term progress. Cusick presents clinical data alongside pastoral wisdom and care, addressing both the psychological and spiritual aspects of anxiety.

Filled with practical advice and the hope of Christ, The Anxiety Field Guide is a rich resource for both those who suffer from anxiety and those in a position to help them.

"Jason is no stranger to the anxiety that can be so gripping. He brings heart, wisdom, and experience to these pages. The journey he takes you on is both practical and profound, leading to deep freedom."

Carey Nieuwhof, author, podcaster, and speaker

"Those with anxiety, fear, and obsessive thinking often feel so much shame. But we now know that our brains can be retrained and rewired. We can stop blaming ourselves and get healthy! Jason combines his own experience with basic insights on how self-directed neuroplasticity can help you change your brain and find new freedom. Illuminating, practical, and surprisingly entertaining, The Anxiety Field Guide will help you take back control of your life."

Jeffrey Schwartz, research psychiatrist and author of You Are Not Your Brain

"We are living in times of unprecedented anxiety, and my friend has masterfully crafted this work to help us all. Jason is a trusted voice in the wilderness. Read this book and find much-needed encouragement and help."

Brady Boyd, pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and author of Addicted to Busy

"Anxiety can be debilitating. Liberation from it can be hard—and often takes time. The Anxiety Field Guide is a focused and practical discussion on how to get away from anxiety that recognizes it versus ending it. It teaches you how to cope with anxiety in healthy ways, including how faith can help you along the way. Take time with this book and it will help you be less anxious with the Lord at your side."

Darrell L. Bock, executive director for cultural engagement at Dallas Theological Seminary

"Anxiety is a crippling state of mind that can separate us from intimacy with God and others. What Jason does so beautifully is give us tools to overcome anxiety without being dismissive, because he's struggled with it as well. You or someone you know faces anxiety regularly—this book is more vital now than ever."

Dallas Jenkins, creator of The Chosen

"In The Anxiety Field Guide, Jason Cusick provides a practical and pastoral approach to navigating anxiety. It's a gift from someone who has navigated the terrain and complexity himself, and a must-read for anyone who experiences anxiety or loves someone who does."

Keri Ladouceur, pastor of Community Christian Church, Naperville, Illinois, and founder of the New Ground Network

"One of the great challenges to reducing anxiety is knowing how to apply what works—taking psychological and spiritual wisdom and practically applying it in your daily life. Jason Cusick takes us on a personal journey, both as student and well-informed teacher, where he accomplishes this difficult, critical task. He breaks down the key components for nonanxious living into relatable, digestible chunks followed by clear action steps, so the helpful principle or strategy can take root in your life. If you suffer from anxiety this is a must-read."

Scott Symington, author of Freedom from Anxious Thoughts and Feelings and licensed clinical psychologist in private practice

"Jason Cusick understands what it's like to struggle with anxiety. With vulnerability, wisdom, and good humor, he shares with us practical, concrete steps to cope, and more importantly, to thrive in the midst of it. The Anxiety Field Guide offers help and hope, and it is a resource I will continue to share with others for years to come."

Diana Gruver, author of Companions in the Darkness

Read an Excerpt


1. Relax, It's Just Your Brain
2. Be Open to Uncertainty
3. Observe Before You Own
4. Practice Pit Stops
5. You Are Not Alone
6. Pray Like Jesus
7. Take Care of Your Whole Self
8. See Worry as a Gift
9. Know Your Triggers
10. Engage, Don't Avoid
11. Focus Forward
12. Put Time Limits on Your Worry
13. Speak Kindly to Yourself
14. Find Rest
15. Look for Progress, Not Perfection
16. Understand Obsession and Compulsion
17. Begin Exposure
18. Find Ways to Be Grounded
19. Be Courageously Vulnerable
20. Prepare for Exposure Fatigue
21. Choose Joy
22. Examine Your Core Beliefs and Distortions
23. Decouple Your Thoughts and Actions
24. Look for the Umbrella
25. Reduce Self-Medicating
26. Create New Pathways
27. Adapt to Changes in Your Leadership
28. You Can Do It!
29. Go for the Grit Award
30. Believe the Good News
Final Thoughts

Recommended Resources
Index of Tools and Practices


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Jason Cusick

Jason Cusick is lead pastor at Journey of Faith in Southern California. He was previously the pastor of care ministries, overseeing grief, recovery, crisis, and counseling ministries, and has also worked as a board-certified hospital chaplain.