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The Client's Guide to Therapy

How to Get the Most out of Your Counseling Experience

by Terri S. Watson

The Client's Guide to Therapy
  • Length: 168 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.5 in
  • Published: April 08, 2025
  • Imprint: IVP Academic
  • Item Code: A0882
  • ISBN: 9781514008829

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Get the most from your counseling experience with tips from an expert Christian counselor.

Deciding to meet with a professional counselor is a major step for personal mental health. But what comes next? Some people are unsure how the therapy process works, some have had negative experiences, and some simply want to know they're benefiting as much as possible from the time and resources they invest.

In this accessible, information-packed guide, Christian psychologist Terri Watson provides an expert's perspective on how to get the most out of your counseling experience. Readers will find a wealth of wisdom, including:

  • advice for looking into options for counseling
  • how to find a counselor who's a good fit
  • what to expect during and after counseling
  • how to get the most out of your sessions and the therapy process
  • expert tips on mental health care
  • insights on the role of faith and common questions Christians ask

For any Christian considering or receiving clinical mental health care, as well as mental health professionals and those who make referrals, The Client's Guide to Therapy is an encouraging and helpful companion.


Getting started
1. How can psychotherapy help? Contemplating the counseling journey
2. Choosing a therapist as a trustworthy guide
3. Beginning well and the importance of the relationship
4. A users guide to psychotherapy: Mapping out the counseling process
5. You are here: How to gain the most from your psychotherapy experience
6. Navigating detours and impasses throughout the counseling journey
7. Ending Well
Against an infinite horizon


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Terri S. Watson

Terri S. Watson (PsyD, ABPP) is a professor of psychology at Wheaton College. She is also a board-certified clinical psychologist, an approved clinical supervisor with the Center for Credentialing and Education, and an approved supervisor with the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. She maintains a private practice and provides supervision and clinical consultation for community and private organizations.