The Essential Commandment: A Disciple's Guide to Loving God and Others, By Greg Ogden

The Essential Commandment

A Disciple's Guide to Loving God and Others

The Essentials Set

by Greg Ogden

The Essential Commandment
  • Length: 204 pages
  • Dimensions: 7 × 10 in
  • Number of Studies: 12
  • Published: October 07, 2011
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 1088
  • ISBN: 9780830810888

*affiliate partner

Is it really possible to live out the Great Commandment?

When an expert in the law asked Jesus what the greatest commandment is, Jesus gave a clear and simple answer: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these."

But what does the Great Commandment look like on the ground, in our day-to-day lives? And can we even come close to living it out?

Jesus, Greg Ogden believes, has a simple answer to that too. He writes, "Jesus didn't follow [the Great Commandment] up by saying, 'I know I'm asking a lot, but do the best you can. I know you'll never fully approximate this high and lofty goal, but it's still worth striving for.' . . . Jesus thinks this is possible." And with Jesus, Ogden has found, it is possible--and essential.

In this practical, in-depth handbook, Ogden draws from his years of pastoral experience training and discipling others to help us truly be changed by Christ into people who love God and love others with all that we are. Following the format of his bestselling Discipleship Essentials, each chapter includes:

"In The Essential Commandment, Greg Ogden has once again taken the complex subject of Christian discipleship and made it truly understandable and personally applicable. After reading this book, you will wonder why more authors have not made the Great Commandment of Jesus their central focus. More importantly, you will be grateful that Ogden has, and that he's given you another essential tool for finding your way and helping others into the deeper life of Christ."

Daniel Meyer, senior pastor of Christ Church of Oak Brook and author of Witness Essentials

"The Essential Commandment could be a great resource for the development of a church mission. I foresee immense usefulness in the encouragement of outreach to communities with which all churches are surrounded."

Lyn Housen, Insights, November 2012


Getting the Most from The Essential Commandment
Introduction: Jesus Believes It Is Possible! .

1 The Essential Commandment Explained

Part One: Love the Lord Your God . . . with All Your HEART
2. A Broken and Contrite Heart
3. A Listening Heart

Part Two: Love the Lord Your God . . . with All Your SOUL
4. Our Soul Thirsts for God
5. Our Souls . . . Fully Alive . . . to the Glory of God

Part Three: Love the Lord Your God . . . with All Your MIND
6. Having the Mind of Christ
7. Transformation of the Mind

Part Four: Love the Lord Your God . . . with All Your STRENGTH
8. Focusing Your Energy
9. Growing Healthy Bodies

Part Five: Love Your NEIGBHOR As Yourself
10. Have Mercy for Those in Need
11. Love Those Who Would Do You Harm
12. Demonstrate Compassion: Loves Evidence

Appendix A: How Are We to Understand the Essential Commandment?

Appendix B: Building a Discipleship Ministry


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Greg Ogden

Greg Ogden (DMin, Fuller Theological Seminary) lives out his passion of speaking, teaching, and writing about the disciple-making mission of the church after spending twenty-four years in pastoral ministry. Most recently Greg served as executive pastor of discipleship at Christ Church of Oak Brook in the Chicago western suburbs. From 1998 to 2002, Greg held the position of director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Fuller Theological Seminary and associate professor of lay equipping and discipleship. Greg is also the author of Essential Guide to Becoming a Disciple, Transforming Discipleship, Leadership Essentials (with coauthor Daniel Meyer), and The Essential Commandment. He is a partner in the Global Discipleship Initiative (GDI), which trains, coaches, and inspires pastors and Christian leaders to establish indigenous, multiplying, disciplemaking networks, both nationally and internationally.