The Myth of Certainty: The Reflective Christian  the Risk of Commitment, By Daniel Taylor

The Myth of Certainty

The Reflective Christian the Risk of Commitment

by Daniel Taylor

The Myth of Certainty
  • Length: 158 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: December 02, 1999
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 2237
  • ISBN: 9780830822379

*affiliate partner

Do you feel equally uncomfortable with closed-minded skepticism and closed-minded Christianity?

If so, then The Myth of Certainty is the book for you. Daniel Taylor suggests a path to committed faith that is both consistent with the tradition of Christian orthodoxy and sensitive to the pluralism, relativism and complexity of our time.

Taylor makes the case for the reflective, questioning Christian with both incisive analysis and lively storytelling. His brief fictional interludes provide an alternative way to explore key issues of belief and vividly depict the real-life dilemmas Christians often face.

Taylor affirms a call to throw off the paralysis of uncertainty and to risk commitment to God without forfeiting the God-given gift of an inquiring mind. Throughout he demonstrates clearly how much the world and the church need people--maybe people like you--who are willing to ask tough questions.

"An important book for all Christians, especially those who harbor secret doubts about some of what they've been led to believe is Truth."

Today's Christian Woman

"My entire person was overwhelmed. My mind and heart have been fed the truth that it has searched for for years."

Spirit Magazine

"Taylor gives the believer a refreshing view of Christian faith and of the gulf that separates it from the dominant thought system of our society."

Christianity Today

"This is a splendid book."

Publishers Weekly


1. The Nature of Reflection
2. The Reflective Christian and the Church
3. The Reflective Christian in the Secular World of Ideas
4. The Search for Truth and Certainty
5. The Risk of Commitment
6. Surviving as a Reflective Christian





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Daniel Taylor

Taylor, Ph.D., is a professor of English at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minnesota. He has written several books.