Here are answers to your frequently asked questions about translations and subsidiary rights.


  • How can I know if InterVarsity Press controls the rights for a book?
    Check the book's copyright page. This will list the original publisher, if it is not IVP. If you cannot determine the original publisher, email IVP at [email protected] and we will let you know who controls the rights.
  • How can I know if rights are available for a specific book?
    email IVP at [email protected] to find out if the rights are available for a book.
  • Does IVP give exclusive or non-exclusive options?
    IVP gives members of the IFES the first option to translate and publish our books because IVP is a member of the IFES (International Fellowship of Evangelical Students). IVP gives non-exclusive options to other publishers.
  • What is an option?
    An option is a period of time (usually 30-90 days) when a publisher is allowed to read a book and decide if they want to publish it. When a publisher has the first option or an exclusive option, IVP will not sell the rights in that language or format to anyone else until the publisher has made a decision or the option period expires, whichever comes first.
  • How do I get a contract with IVP?
    Fill out an online contract request form. When IVP receives your form, you will get an email to discuss the terms of the contract. If you have not worked with IVP before, read about how you can begin working with IVP before requesting a contract.
  • What is the difference between IVP-USA and IVP-UK? How can I know which one controls the rights to a book?
    IVP-USA (InterVarsity Press USA) and IVP-UK (Inter-Varsity Press, Ltd., United Kingdom) are two different companies. Each company controls the rights to its own books. To know which company controls the rights to a book, check the copyright page. If you cannot determine which company controls the rights, contact either company.

Review Copies

  • How can I get a review copy of a book?
    If you are a publisher, IVP can send you a free copy of a book you would like to publish. Fill out the online Reading (Review) Copy Request Form to ask for a book. If you have not worked with IVP before, read about how you can begin working with IVP before requesting a review copy.

Working with InterVarsity Press

  • I have not worked with IVP before. How can I begin working with IVP?
    To work with IVP, you must have been in business for five years or more. If you are interested, please fill out the New Publisher Questionnaire. If you have any questions about the form, please email [email protected].

Royalty Payments

  • I need to send a royalty payment to IVP. Does IVP have a royalty form I can use?
    You can use your own form as long as it includes all the information on this sample IVP royalty statement.
  • What form of royalty payment should I send?
    You can pay royalties by bank check, wire transfer or credit card (MasterCard, VISA or Discover). To pay by credit card or wire transfer, email us at [email protected] for more information.

Reprints in English

  • Does IVP allow publishers in other countries to reprint IVP books in English?
    Sometimes IVP allows books to be reprinted in English. Please email IVP at [email protected] for more information.


  • Can I get permission to translate a book if I do not work with a publisher?
    IVP prefers to work with publishers. If the book you want to translate has been in print for more than two years, IVP may allow non-publishers to translate it. Email IVP at [email protected] for more information.
  • I am a translator. Can I work for IVP?
    IVP does not use translators. Other publishers translate IVP books and sell them.

Buying IVP Books

  • How can I buy IVP books in other languages?
    You can buy these books from their publishers. Please email IVP at [email protected] if you are looking for a book in a specific language.
  • I live outside the USA. How can I buy IVP books in English?
    Visit International Customers.