Warrior Princess: Fighting for Life with Courage and Hope, By Princess Kasune Zulu

Warrior Princess

Fighting for Life with Courage and Hope

by Princess Kasune Zulu
With Belinda A. Collins

Warrior Princess
  • Length: 272 pages
  • Dimensions: 5.5 × 8.25 in
  • Published: December 08, 2009
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 3725
  • ISBN: 9780830837250

*affiliate partner

Princess Kasune Zulu grew up in an Africa trying to make sense of the mystery illness claiming its people. As a child, she could not know the disease that claimed the lives of her parents and baby sister would go on to infect more than 100 million people. Left alone to care for her siblings, Princess later discovered she herself was HIV positive. But she heard a calling to become an advocate and ambassador for those affected by disease and poverty. From talking to truck drivers about AIDS to her providential work as a radio broadcaster, Princess has boldly stepped up to speak on behalf of the voiceless and forgotten.

Princess's journey has taken her from the dusty villages of Zambia to the offices of world leaders from the White House to the United Nations. Her message is that we can now become the first generation to end extreme poverty, if only we have the will to do so. Her story shows that even though life is uncertain and our time may be short, we each have a role to play in bringing healing and hope to our world.

A percentage of proceeds from the sale of this book will support children affected by AIDS.

"'Princess is emerging as one of the justly inspiring leaders of our time. Her faith and courage will challenge us to be the change we want in this world. This is a truly moving account of one woman's unique ability to find purpose in adversity."

Hugh Evans, Director and Cofounder, The Global Poverty Project

"I prayed with Princess in the lobby of a hotel in Lusaka, Zambia. I walked beside her and watched the sun set over the village where she grew up. I listened to her 'preach' to community leaders in the beautiful Bemba language, and sang while she led worship. Princess Kasune Zulu is a woman of passion, strength and wisdom. She has challenged me to engage more deeply with my global sisters and to speak more clearly on their behalf. I am grateful for the example she has been to me and glad that this book will allow her story to inspire many others."

Lynne Hybels, Advocate for Global Engagement, Willow Creek Community Church

"This book is a compelling and inspiring story of suffering and hope that will motivate, empower and challenge you to believe that the impossible is possible in our lifetime--even in the face of poverty, HIV and AIDS. Warrior Princess is a must read for every person who wants to make a real difference in the world."

Rev. Dr. Brenda Salter McNeil, President Founder, Salter McNeil Associates, LLC

"This is a fascinating book about a compelling woman who, when faced with personal tragedy, chose not to succumb but to fight--and not just for herself, but for millions of other people affected by extreme poverty and HIV/AIDS. Princess Zulu?s story is a challenge to us all to focus less on our own worries and more on the opportunity we have, every day, to help others, in our families, communities and around the globe. It is also a reminder about what can be achieved when brave individuals speak out in the face of fear, injustice and stigma."

David Lane, President and CEO, ONE Campaign

"This is the story of the life of Princess Kasune Zulu--from very humble and simple beginnings in a little village in Chibombo central Zambia, through early marriage, infection with HIV, fiery AIDS activism to meeting with the world's most powerful men and women--is a compelling story of a warrior woman's determination not to be defeated by a deadly virus. Princess says of her infection that the HIV running in her blood stream is a mere guest in her body and her life; she has refused to let the guest take over her life! This is the story of a Zambian woman who is positive about being positive. It is a story everyone must read."

Dr. Mannasseh Phiri, HIV and AIDS activist, Zambia

"Princess Zulu?s story is one of significant suffering, profound courage and great hope. Princess is not willing to be conquered by death or disease, but instead holds onto the hope of a greater purpose. She is a warrior, one who has embraced her life completely. I am utterly amazed at the joy found in her story. Warrior Princess is deeply moving and inspiring, reminding us of the life-giving truth of the gospel and provoking each of us to live out our God-given purposes. Read expecting to be challenged and encouraged by Princess?story of hope and great joy."

Mae Elise Cannon, author of Social Justice Handbook: Small Steps for a Better World

"Warrior Princess is a beautifully written, powerfully moving story. As we follow Princess on her extraordinary journey from a poor Zambian village to the corridors of global power, we find ourselves learning a great deal about the critical issues of our time--how and why extreme poverty affects Africa, and what life is like for the world?s 15 million children orphaned by AIDS. The humbling lesson from Warrior Princess is that AIDS affects people just like you and me, who through an ?accident of latitude? were born into the world?s poorest countries. AIDS affects mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, teachers, doctors and nurses with hopes and dreams and families of their own. The great moral question of our time is just how will we choose to respond?"

Tim Costello, CEO, World Vision Australia

"Warrior Princess is the honest and engaging story of a courageous woman who turned a tragedy into positive living. It shows that AIDS in Africa is not only about doom and gloom, but also about resilience and many heroes."

Dr. Peter Piot, former executive director, UNAIDS, director, Institute for Global Health

"The first time I met Princess Zulu I was impressed by her physical beauty and her effervescent personality. But I was equally taken with her deeply spiritual, intensely personal relationship with God born out of suffering and difficult situations. She is an amazing woman! If we speak at the same event, I do my best to make sure I speak before her so that I don?t have to live up to her ability to capture a crowd! I?m proud to call her my friend and sister."

Kay Warren, founder, HIV/AIDS Initiative, Saddleback Church

"Here is the story of an unlikely young woman who has changed the world. Orphaned in her teens in Zambia, her passion to be a voice for the voiceless in the midst of the AIDS pandemic took her from preaching to hardened truckers along the 'AIDS Highway' to churches across the United States and ultimately to the White House. Her story is a triumph of the human spirit that continues to inspire all who meet her. Read this book and be amazed at what God can do with even one person who is truly willing to serve him unconditionally."

Rich Stearns, president of World Vision US, and author of The Hole in Our Gospel

"Princess's own story, particularly her earlier experiences in Zambia, gives us a unique perspective in the ongoing struggle against HIV."

Nancy Ellegate, AU, April 2010

"Informative, encouraging. Something that has been needed for a long time."

RT, Church Libraries, Winter 2009-10

"'Princess is emerging as one of the justly inspiring leaders of our time. Her faith and courage will challenge us to be the change we want in this world. This is a truly moving account of one woman's unique ability to find purpose in adversity."

Publisher's Weekly, November 9, 2009


About My Story
From the Coauthor
Map of Zambia

Part One: A Child of Courage and Hope
1 Positive
2 Princess Is Her Name
3 My Big Family
4 The Short Life of a Baby Named Linda
5 Bataa's Gun Goes Missing
6 Be Strong and of Good Courage

Part Two: Changes and Challenges
7 The Sugar Daddy Syndrome
8 A Teenage Mother Growing in Faith
9 A Call to the Sick
10 I Have to Know
11 I Shall Not Die Before I Am Dead

Part Three: A Warrior Princess Emerges
12 A Fountain of Life
13 Hitchhiking with Truck Drivers
14 Meeting Dr. Phiri
15 Trouble in the House
16 The Making of a Broadcaster
17 "You're Listening to Positive Living"
18 My Vision for the World

Part Four: The Amercan Flag Stands Still
19 Coming to America
20 Chicago
21 From the Village to the White House
22 The Best of Humankind
23 To All Things a Season

Appendix: Join the Movement to End Extreme Poverty and Disease


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Princess Kasune Zulu

Princess Kasune Zulu, a native of Zambia, is a world-renowned HIV/AIDS advocate, educator and activist. She speaks about the HIV/AIDS crisis and its impact on women and children, and she raises awareness about related issues such as poverty, education for girls, child labor, child soldiers, child prostitution, human rights, and gender and equality. Since learning her own positive HIV status, Zulu has been a tireless ambassador for others affected and infected by the virus. Across the developed world she has raised millions of dollars for the fight and has brought critical media attention to the virus. In her own country, she has been a fearless advocate on the issues of HIV/AIDS and poverty, as well as other related causes. She has worked to educate those at the frontline of the virus: African leaders, political leaders, traditional leaders, church leaders, teachers and traditional birth attendants, while also providing support to those infected and their children. From 2000 to 2005 Princess hosted a live talk-radio show, Positive Living. She has been profiled in leading media across the world, including in Good Morning America, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Jet, Ebony, BBC World News, Guardian UK, Canada Sun Times, Irish Independent and ABC (Australia). She has been an ambassador for World Vision's HIV and AIDS HOPE Initiative, and she is the founder of Fountain of Life in Zambia, later known Eternity Fountain, and cofounder of African Extended Family System Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (AFESS-OVC). April 24, 2004 was declared Princess Kasune Zulu Day in Chicago, where Princess currently lives with her husband, David, and daughters Joy and Faith Zulu. She is pursuing her masters degree at North Park University. To learn more, visit princesszulu.com.