William C. Weinrich

William C. Weinrich

William C. Weinrich

William C. Weinrich (DTheol, Basel) is currently Rector of the Luther Academy, theological seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia. Additionally, he is a professor of Early Church History and Patristic Studies at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He has also served as the Third Vice President (1998-2001) and the Fifth Vice President (2001-2004) of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. For over thirty years he worked as chaplain in the Indiana Air National Guard before retiring at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Weinrich is author of Spirit and Martyrdom: A Study of the Work of the Holy Spirit in Contexts of Persecution and Martyrdom in the New Testament and Early Christian Literature and editor of The New Testament Age: Essays in Honor of Bo Reicke. He has written many articles appearing in Concordia Theological Quarterly, Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, Logia, Issues in Christian Education, and others.

Edited by William C. Weinrich
Edited by William C. Weinrich
Victorinus of Petovium and Apringius of Beja and Caesarius of Arles and Bede the Venerable
Oecumenius and Andrew of Caesarea
Edited by William C. Weinrich