Witness Essentials: Evangelism that Makes Disciples, By Daniel Meyer
Witness Essentials
  • Length: 230 pages
  • Dimensions: 7 × 10 in
  • Number of Studies: 12
  • Published: February 27, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP Bible Studies
  • Item Code: 1089
  • ISBN: 9780830810895

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We know the radical difference the gospel of Jesus Christ makes, and we want others to see and enjoy its benefits. In fact, we don't want them to just pray a prayer and move on to the next interesting thing. We want them to sink their roots deeply into the grace of God.

So often, though, we feel that we are inadequate to this important task--that we don't know enough or that we will offend our friends. Daniel Meyer has provided the tools you need to move forward:

  • the basics of the gospel message
  • the role of life change in our witness
  • how to present the good news

The Bible studies, exercises and readings in this book will deepen your personal faith and equip you to minister to others with a new sense of confidence and calling.

"Having worked closely and shared life deeply with Pastor Dan Meyer, I know his heartbeat for those desperate for good news. Meyer has provided us with an unfolding, step-by-step approach that equips God's people with the clarity of what the good news of Christ actually is and how to build a bridge to the hearts of those who need it. Jesus implored us to pray for workers to go into the harvest. Here is a tool that puts legs on that prayer and helps instill passion to sustain it."

Greg Ogden, author of Discipleship Essentials

"Don't miss the adventure of pointing people toward Jesus! My friend Dan Meyer will inspire, teach and equip you to confidently share Christ with others."

Lee Strobel, author, The Case for Christ

"Too many well-meaning Christians reduce evangelism to the minimum set of requirements needed to get into heaven. In Witness Essentials, Dan Meyer masterfully captures the fullness of the gospel movement Jesus started two thousand years ago and how every believer can move beyond unfortunate evangelism stereotypes to live out that deep desire inside every Christian--to play a role in helping others begin a relationship with Jesus. Witness Essentials is theologically well-grounded, true to real life and filled with relationally intelligent and practical steps to help people be the witness for Christ they long to be. I wish it was required reading for every Christian serious about inviting others into the great adventure of knowing and walking with God."

Jim Mellado, president, Willow Creek Association

"Dan has written a book that is deeply informed without being tedious, challenging without being finger-pointing and helpful without being formulaic. If you love evangelism--and especially if you don't!--this is your kind of book."

John Ortberg, Menlo Park Presbyterian Church and author of The Me I Want to Be

"This book will sneak up on you. . . . its richness and range just won't let it be easily categorized. Want some early church history? How about some current information on the expansion of the church worldwide? Need some help with apologetics? Maybe you need some inspiration? Or practical help in knowing how to have spiritual conversations with others? Yep--all that, and more, is in these pages. Daniel Meyer has helped us realize that being a witness is something we both do and are. He appropriately calls us to a different life if we want a different world."

Reggie McNeal, missional leadership specialist, Leadership Network, and author of The Present Future and Missional Renaissance


A Word from the Author
Introduction: What is Witness Essentials About?

Part One: Seeing the Big Picture
1. Believe in the Call and Power of God: Receiving Christ's wonderful charge and promise
2. Examine the News: Understanding the daily and divine news
3. Mourn the Changed Conditions: Embracing the context for contemporary witness

Part Two: Reaching Out to People
4. Yearn for People as God Does: Developing a heart for others like the heart of God
5. Walk with People: Starting to build redemptive relationships
6. Investigate and Invest in the Soil: Cultivating the ground for spiritual conversations

Part Three: Displaying Christ in You
7. Testify to the Truth You Know: Bearing witness to the truth about God, life and self
8. Nail the Sins That Slay You: Overcoming the character and caricatures that limit our credibility
9. Express Grace Under Pressure: Revealing God's power in times of trial
10. Serve Needs: Displaying the love of Christ with its sleeves rolled up

Part Four: Helping Someone Home
11. Share the Invitation to Salvation: Inviting people into the kingdom
12. Point Out the Pathway: Guiding new believers onto the discipleship pathway

Appendix: The Three Ladders
Additional Resources
About the Author


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Daniel Meyer

Daniel Meyer is a graduate of Yale University (B.A.), Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div.) and Fuller Theological Seminary (D.Min.) and has served since 1997 as senior pastor of Christ Church of Oak Brook in Chicago's western suburbs. His weekly messages are broadcast on television, radio and the Internet and are frequently featured on PreachingToday.com. Additionally, Dan serves as on-air host and chairman of LIFE FOCUS, a multiple Emmy Award-winning television newsmagazine aired on PBS and other stations nationwide. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Fuller Theological Seminary, the Deans Advisory Board of Midwestern University and the Board of the Executives Breakfast Club of Oak Brook.