Yearning for More: What Our Longings Tell Us About God and Ourselves, By Barry Morrow alt

Yearning for More

What Our Longings Tell Us About God and Ourselves

by Barry Morrow
Foreword by Kenneth Boa

Yearning for More
  • Length: 167 pages
  • Published: November 21, 2012
  • Imprint: IVP
  • Item Code: 5991
  • ISBN: 9780830859917

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In this mannered tour through literature, sports, film and daily life, Barry Morrow leads us to contemplate the nature and purpose of human longing. Using Ecclesiastes as a map for the journey, Morrow gives us a vision of our disenchantment "under the sun" and suggests that human culture—our work, art and play—gives evidence of another reality for which God created us.

"Yearning for More uncovers the reality of God in the most unexpected places. Barry Morrow cleverly identifies 'signals of the transcendent' in our hatred of death, our desire for heaven and even the humdrum of daily living. So often we are told to 'go with your gut.' Morrow takes this to a whole new level. You will relish the guilty pleasure of feeling more and knowing less. Take this book and read it slowly as you begin to see God's presence in your all-too-human hopes and fears."

John Wilkinson, author of No Argument for God

"Yearning for More is not to be missed; recommended for church libraries and for study groups."

Carolyn Egolf, Congregational Libraries Today, Fourth Issue, 2013


1. Looking from Answers, But Finding Only Questions
2. Seeking Happiness: Advice from an Ancient Sage
3. The Heart Has Reasons: The Journey of Desire
4. Cosmic Orphans: Our Sense of Alienation
5. Celebrating the Daily Humdrum
6. Transcendence in Our Work
7. Leisure Play: Looking for Paradise?
8. Transcendence in Literature and Film
9. Pain Pleasures: Touchstones of Reality
Conclusion: Is There a Remedy for Our Disenchantment?


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Barry L. Morrow brings over twenty-five years of experience working in the marketplace with businessmen through teaching, speaking and consulting, primarily through his organization, FinishingWell (