Showing 1141 - 1150 of 2911 results

  • Want more context as you begin to study 1 Corinthians? This introduction will give you the background you need as you read the Daily Quiet Time Bible Study. We hope you continue to discover the riches of Scripture and draw closer to God as you join the millions who have used this free devotional resource.

  • Science & Its Limits: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective, By Del Ratzsch

    Science & Its Limits

    The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective

    Contours of Christian Philosophy

    by Del Ratzsch

    Science, especially naturalistic science, has come under fire of late. No longer does it command the near universal respect it once held. From the right has come a fresh attack on Darwinism and arguments for intelligent design. From the left postmodern theorists have attacked the very notion of objective truth claims, scientific or otherwise.

    Into the fray Del Ratzsch breathes a breath of ...

  • The Language of Science and Faith: Straight Answers to Genuine Questions, By Karl W. Giberson and Francis S. Collins

    The Language of Science and Faith

    Straight Answers to Genuine Questions

    by Karl W. Giberson and Francis S. Collins

    Christians affirm that everything exists because of God--from subatomic quarks to black holes. Science often claims to explain nature without including God at all. And thinking Christians often feel forced to choose between the two. But the good news is that we don't have to make a choice. Science does not overthrow the Bible. Faith does not require rejecting science. World-renowned scientist Francis ...

  • God, Freedom and Human Dignity: Embracing a God-Centered Identity in a Me-Centered Culture, By Ron Highfield

    God, Freedom and Human Dignity

    Embracing a God-Centered Identity in a Me-Centered Culture

    by Ron Highfield

    Does God's all-encompassing will restrict our freedom? Does God's ownership and mastery over us diminish our dignity? The fear that God is a threat to our freedom and dignity goes far back in Western thought. Such suspicion remains with us today in our so-called secular society. In such a context any talk of God tends to provoke responses that range from defiance to subservience to indifference. ...

  • Intelligent Design Uncensored: An Easy-to-Understand Guide to the Controversy, By William A. Dembski and Jonathan Witt

    Intelligent Design Uncensored

    An Easy-to-Understand Guide to the Controversy

    by William A. Dembski and Jonathan Witt

    What is ID? Why is it controversial? Intelligent design is surrounded by a storm of debate. Proponents and opponents have both sought to have their voices heard above the din. Is it unscientific? Is it a danger to real Christian faith? Is it trying to smuggle God into the classroom? Controversy can create confusion rather than clarity. So here to clear things up is Bill Dembski, one of the founders ...

  • Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace, By James B. Torrance

    Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace

    by James B. Torrance

    Here is a book that sets our worship, sacraments, communion and language of God back on track. In a day when refinement of method and quality of experience are the guiding lights for many Christians, James Torrance points us to the indispensable who of worship, the triune God of grace. Worship is the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son's communion with the Father, ...

  • Why Politics Needs Religion: The Place of Religious Arguments in the Public Square, By Brendan Sweetman

    Why Politics Needs Religion

    The Place of Religious Arguments in the Public Square

    by Brendan Sweetman

    Can relligion and politics mix? Many voices reply, "No way!" Yet in this provocative and timely book, Brendan Sweetman argues against this charge and the various sophisticated arguments that support it. As we witness the clash of religious and secular worldviews he claims that our pluralistic democratic society will be best served when the faith elements of secularism are acknowledged and the ...

  • Hidden Worldviews: Eight Cultural Stories That Shape Our Lives, By Steve Wilkens and Mark L. Sanford

    Hidden Worldviews

    Eight Cultural Stories That Shape Our Lives

    by Steve Wilkens and Mark L. Sanford

    Why do we buy what we buy, vote the way we vote, eat what we eat and say what we say? Why do we have the friends we have, and work and play as we do? It's our choice? Yes, but there are forces, often unseen, that shape every decision we make and every action we take. These hidden, life-shaping values and ideas are not promoted through organized religions or rival philosophies but fostered by cultural ...

  • Out of the Saltshaker and Into the World: Evangelism as a Way of Life, By Rebecca Manley Pippert

    Out of the Saltshaker and Into the World

    Evangelism as a Way of Life

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Rebecca Manley Pippert
    Foreword by Mark Mittelberg

    • In 2006, Christianity Today voted this title to be one of the top 50 books that have shaped evangelicals
    • Over 800,000 Sold

    Jesus says his followers are the salt of the earth. But many Christians struggle with this call to be active in the world as witnesses to Christ. The word evangelism often carries negative connotations. ...

  • The Samaritan Woman's Story: Reconsidering John 4 After #ChurchToo, By Caryn A. Reeder

    The Samaritan Woman's Story

    Reconsidering John 4 After #ChurchToo

    by Caryn A. Reeder

    Reader's Choice Award Winner

    Most Christians have heard a familiar description of the Samaritan woman in John 4: she was a sinner, an adulteress, even a prostitute. Throughout church history, the woman at the well has been seen narrowly in terms of her gender and marital history. What are we missing in the story? And what difference does our interpretation ...