Showing 1241 - 1250 of 3662 results

  • Reborn on the Fourth of July: The Challenge of Faith, Patriotism  Conscience, By Logan M. Isaac

    Reborn on the Fourth of July

    The Challenge of Faith, Patriotism Conscience

    by Logan M. Isaac
    Foreword by Shane Claiborne

    For decades now, the United States has proudly claimed the mantle of "the world's only superpower" based on military might and the scope of military interventions throughout the world. As a result, whole generations are growing up with the understanding that war is the norm, that perpetual conflict is a way of life. But is it the way of Christ? Logan Mehl-Laituri grew up in a community that celebrated ...

  • Health, Healing and the Church's Mission: Biblical Perspectives and Moral Priorities, By Willard M. Swartley

    Health, Healing and the Church's Mission

    Biblical Perspectives and Moral Priorities

    by Willard M. Swartley

    Does the Christian community have the resources to develop a coherent response to health care challenges today? Accounting for biblical, theological and church-historical streams, Willard Swartley divulges a long tradition of healing and health care inherited by Christians today. Beginning with in-depth studies of Old and New Testament understandings of healing, the book surveys three millennia ...

  • The Message of Matthew: The Kingdom of Heaven, By E. Michael Green

    The Message of Matthew

    The Kingdom of Heaven

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by E. Michael Green

    Matthew's Gospel is the first—and perhaps the most important—single document of the New Testament. In it you will find the fullest and most systematic account of the birth, life, teaching, death, and resurrection of the founder of Christianity, Jesus the Messiah. In this Bible Speaks Today volume, Michael Green shows how this very Jewish Gospel portrays the power and purpose of ...

  • C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University, By A. Donald MacLeod

    C. Stacey Woods and the Evangelical Rediscovery of the University

    by A. Donald MacLeod

    • The Word Guild 2008 Canadian Christian Writing Awards winner
    C. Stacey Woods was a moving force in mid-century American evangelicalism. The Australian-born, Brethren-bred Woods came to Canada to head InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the age of 24. He went on to become as well the first general secretary of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship in the United States. ...
  • The Transformation of a Man's Heart: Reflections on the Masculine Journey, Edited by Stephen W. Smith

    The Transformation of a Man's Heart

    Reflections on the Masculine Journey

    Edited by Stephen W. Smith

    Life is many things, but it is definitely not a flow chart. We prove it every day. We deeply long for change, but formulas and seminars don't get it done. The good news is, God is at work across the life span, encouraging us and empowering us to overcome the hurdles of our past, the challenges of our present and the fears of our future. The Transformation of a Man's Heart is a book of ...

  • A Model for Marriage: Covenant, Grace, Empowerment and Intimacy, By Jack O. Balswick and Judith K. Balswick

    A Model for Marriage

    Covenant, Grace, Empowerment and Intimacy

    by Jack O. Balswick and Judith K. Balswick

    Jack and Judy Balswick offer a vision of marriage that is both profoundly spiritual and thoroughly practical. Drawing insight from Christian theology and from social science research, the Balswicks bring together their years of teaching, writing and being married to each other to produce a book of faith and wisdom for facing the challenge of marriage in the twenty-first century.

  • The Openness of God: A Biblical Challenge to the Traditional Understanding of God, By Clark H. Pinnock and Richard Rice and John Sanders and William Hasker and David Basinger

    The Openness of God

    A Biblical Challenge to the Traditional Understanding of God

    by Clark H. Pinnock, Richard Rice, John Sanders, William Hasker, and David Basinger

    Voted one of Christianity Today's Books of the Year

    The Openness of God presents a careful and full-orbed argument that the God known through Christ desires "responsive relationship" with his creatures. While it rejects process theology, the book asserts that such classical doctrines as God's immutability, impassibility and foreknowledge demand reconsideration.

    The ...

  • Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word: A Model of Faith and Thought, By Douglas A. Sweeney

    Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word

    A Model of Faith and Thought

    by Douglas A. Sweeney

    Jonathan Edwards has been recognized as the most influential evangelical theologian of all time. Before his death at the age of fifty-four, he had sparked a new movement of Reformed evangelicals who played a major role in fueling the rise of modern missions, preaching revivals far and wide, and wielding the cutting edge of American theology. He has never gone out of print, and Christians today continue ...

  • Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, By Stanley J. Grenz and David Guretzki and Cherith Fee Nordling

    Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series

    by Stanley J. Grenz, David Guretzki, and Cherith Fee Nordling

    Beginning to study theology is like stepping into a conversation that has been going on for two thousand years.

    How do you take part in this conversation--or even make sense of it--if you don't understand the vocabulary or know the contributions made by other participants?

    The Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms is the perfect companion to your theological studies. Among ...