Showing 121 - 130 of 422 results

  • Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive: And the Truth That Sets Us Free, By Jonathan P. Walton

    Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive

    And the Truth That Sets Us Free

    by Jonathan P. Walton
    Foreword by Greg Jao

    "America is a Christian nation." "All men are created equal." "We are the land of the free and the home of the brave." Except when we're not. These commonly held ideas break down in the light of hard realities, the study of Scripture, and faithful Christian witness. The president is not the Messiah, the Constitution is not the Bible, and the United States is not a city on ...

  • A Credible Witness: Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race, By Brenda Salter McNeil

    A Credible Witness

    Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race

    by Brenda Salter McNeil
    Foreword by Tony Campolo

    Meet Jesus and Sam. Evangelist and teacher Brenda Salter McNeil thinks evangelism that only introduces people to Jesus is incomplete. The picture is much larger than that, she claims: Christ's death and resurrection reconcile us to God and to each other across gender, race and social lines. Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman, introduced here as Brenda's friend Sam, gives you the ...

  • Authority to Heal, By Ken M. Blue

    Authority to Heal

    by Ken M. Blue

    Have you ever prayed for a sick friend?

    Does God heal today? If so, why are so many people in pain around us? We have all heard stories of miraculous healings. But can we believe them? Why are some people healed and some not? Does God give ordinary Christians the authority to heal?

    As Ken Blue explores these questions he found plenty of answers, but none that satisified him. He wanted ...

  • One Body, One Spirit: Principles of Successful Multiracial Churches, By George Yancey

    One Body, One Spirit

    Principles of Successful Multiracial Churches

    by George Yancey
    Foreword by Michael O. Emerson

    When the church began, an amazing diversity of people from different geographic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds gathered together to confess a common faith in Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul cast a vision of one body where Jew and Gentile would worship together in unity. The Revelation to John likewise foreshadows an eternal future where all nations will join together at the throne of the Lamb. ...