Showing 1431 - 1440 of 3339 results

  • Released from Shame: Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past, By Sandra D. Wilson

    Released from Shame

    Moving Beyond the Pain of the Past

    by Sandra D. Wilson

    Do you feel

    • that your problem is not what you do but who you are?
    • caught in patterns of destructive relationships?
    • that you never get enough affirmation?
    • afraid you'll pass bad patterns along to your children?
    • that God probably loves you less than others?

    If these questions fit you, you may be experiencing shame. Often shame ...

  • Relational Masks: Removing the Barriers That Keep Us Apart, By Russell Willingham

    Relational Masks

    Removing the Barriers That Keep Us Apart

    by Russell Willingham

    The Avoider. The Deflector. The Self-Blamer. The Aggressor. Recognize someone you know? Or yourself? We all know people who seem to get stuck in unhealthy patterns of relating to others. Sometimes we're puzzled by a loved one's evasiveness or surprised by a friend's defensive aggression. Occasionally we look in the mirror and see such troubling behaviors in ourselves. All of these are masks that ...

  • Wounds That Heal: Bringing Our Hurts to the Cross, By Stephen Seamands

    Wounds That Heal

    Bringing Our Hurts to the Cross

    by Stephen Seamands

    "By his wounds we are healed"--Isaiah 53:5. We are wounded people. In this fallen world, people are hurt and exploited. Children are abused. Marriages are broken. Tragedies of all kinds afflict us and the ones we love. Woundedness, it seems, is simply a fact of life. But we are not alone in our suffering. Despite our emotional, psychological and physical injuries, God has not abandoned us. God ...

  • Christianity Today selects books that are most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture. Award winners are selected from a variety of categories including: apologetics/evangelism, Biblical studies, Bible and Devotional, Children, Christian Living/Spiritual Formation, the Church/pastoral leadership, culture and the arts, fiction, history/biography, marriage and family, and missions/the global Church.

  • Choosing Community: Action, Faith, and Joy in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers, By Christine A. Colón

    Choosing Community

    Action, Faith, and Joy in the Works of Dorothy L. Sayers

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Christine A. Colón

    Few writers in the twentieth century were as creative and productive as Dorothy L. Sayers, the English playwright, novelist, and poet. Her justly renowned works include detective fiction featuring Lord Peter Wimsey, theological reflections, literary criticism, and her translation of Dante's Divine Comedy.

    Among the prominent themes of her work was the need for and ...

  • The Client's Guide to Therapy: How to Get the Most out of Your Counseling Experience, By Terri S. Watson

    The Client's Guide to Therapy

    How to Get the Most out of Your Counseling Experience

    by Terri S. Watson

    Get the most from your counseling experience with tips from an expert Christian counselor.

    Deciding to meet with a professional counselor is a major step for personal mental health. But what comes next? Some people are unsure how the therapy process works, some have had negative experiences, and some simply want to know they're benefiting as much as possible from the time ...

  • Old Testament Theology: Israel's Gospel, By John Goldingay

    Old Testament Theology

    Israel's Gospel

    Old Testament Theology Series

    by John Goldingay

    ECPA Gold Medallion Award winner

    In this first volume of a three-volume Old Testament theology, John Goldingay focuses on narrative. Examining the biblical order of God's creation of and interactions with the world and Israel, he tells the story of Israel's gospel as a series of divine acts:

    • God Began
    • God Started Over
    • God Promised
    • God Delivered
    • God ...
  • The Doctrine of Humanity, By Charles Sherlock

    The Doctrine of Humanity

    Contours of Christian Theology

    by Charles Sherlock

    At the end of the twentieth century the forces of race, gender, ethnicity, culture, social status, life-style and sexual preference threaten to disassemble any notion of universal "human nature" or "human condition." In light of this historical moment, the Christian doctrine of human nature is ripe for rethinking and reformulation. Charles Sherlock sees this theological task as demanding a "double ...