Showing 1651 - 1660 of 3339 results

  • Faith in the Shadows: Finding Christ in the Midst of Doubt, By Austin Fischer

    Faith in the Shadows

    Finding Christ in the Midst of Doubt

    by Austin Fischer
    Foreword by Brian Zahnd

    "People don't abandon faith because they have doubts. People abandon faith because they think they're not allowed to have doubts." Too often, our honest questions about faith are met with cold confidence and easy answers. But false certitude doesn't result in strong faith—it results in disillusionment, or worse, in a dogmatic, overweening faith unable to see itself or its object ...

  • J. I. Packer: His Life and Thought, By Alister McGrath

    J. I. Packer

    His Life and Thought

    by Alister McGrath

    J. I. Packer was one of the most influential evangelical theological and spiritual writers of the twentieth century, best known for his classic work Knowing God. In the 1990s Christianity Today readers named him one of the most influential theologians of the twentieth century, second only to C. S. Lewis. But who was Jim Packer, and what is the story of the man ...

  • Reimagining Apologetics: The Beauty of Faith in a Secular Age, By Justin Ariel Bailey

    Reimagining Apologetics

    The Beauty of Faith in a Secular Age

    by Justin Ariel Bailey

    How should one proclaim of the gospel of Jesus Christ in a secular age?

    For many Christians, the traditional approach of apologetics has grown stale. In light of the current secular climate, as described by Charles Taylor and others, rhetorical strategies that previously served the church and apologists well are no longer effective.

    Justin Bailey seeks to address this ...

  • Being a Christian, By John Stott

    Being a Christian

    IVP Booklets

    by John Stott

    Written by John R. W. Stott, a Christian leader known worldwide for addressing the hearts and minds of contemporary men and women, this updated booklet discusses the privileges of being a child of God and helps Christians grow to maturity in their responsibilities to God, the church and the world.

  • A Mind for God, By James Emery White

    A Mind for God

    by James Emery White

    To be fully human is to think. The apostle Paul calls us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). But James Emery White fears that Western Christians are failing in this task. Because we have not developed good intellectual habits, our minds instead have been captured by our culture. A Mind for God is written to help us break free from this ...

  • 3470
    product set

    Veritas Books

    Where does morality come from? Isn't science rapidly approaching a complete explanation of nature? Do you ever have doubts about your views?

    Since 1995, The Veritas Forum has been tackling tough questions of faith and science in the world of academia, hosting events on college campuses that discuss these questions and the relevance of Jesus Christ to all of life.

    The Veritas ...

  • Christian Confidence: An Introduction to Defending the Faith, By Chris Sinkinson

    Christian Confidence

    An Introduction to Defending the Faith

    by Chris Sinkinson

    Philosophy, archaeology and science are hot topics in Christian circles, perplexing many believers about how these issues relate to faith. Fortunately for us, Chris Sinkinson has investigated these areas and gathered historical Christian perspective. The result is this accessible introduction to apologetics, which enlightens minds and inspires confidence. Christian Confidence is a one-stop ...

  • Retrieving Doctrine: Essays in Reformed Theology, By Oliver D. Crisp

    Retrieving Doctrine

    Essays in Reformed Theology

    by Oliver D. Crisp

    In this volume Oliver Crisp offers a set of essays that analyze the significance and contribution of several great thinkers in the Reformed tradition, ranging from John Calvin and Jonathan Edwards to Karl Barth. Crisp demonstrates how these thinkers navigated pressing theological issues in their historical settings and in what ways contemporary readers can draw important insights from the tradition ...

  • Dying to Live: The Paradox of the Crucified Life, By Clive Calver

    Dying to Live

    The Paradox of the Crucified Life

    by Clive Calver

    Many Christians acknowledge that they love Jesus but are disillusioned about their spiritual condition. They come to Christ to drink from the well of his new life, yet find that their thirst remains. Why has the Christian life not met their expectations for spiritual growth and how can they satisfy this craving for their Christian walk to have a deeper impact? Do you desperately yearn for a deeper ...

  • Jesus Without Religion: What Did He Say? What Did He Do? What's the Point?, By Rick James

    Jesus Without Religion

    What Did He Say? What Did He Do? What's the Point?

    by Rick James

    Great. Another book about Jesus. Whose agenda will the author be lugging along this time? Author Rick James begins by clearing his throat. Free of creeds, quarrels and specialized theologies, he speaks of Jesus. No dogma, no politics, no moral at the end. Jesus. What he said. What he did. And what, exactly, was the point. The answers about Jesus, according to Rick James, are in the context. ...