Showing 1801 - 1810 of 2508 results

  • Women of the New Testament, By Phyllis J. Le Peau

    Women of the New Testament

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Phyllis J. Le Peau

    Lydia shows us how to influence the people around us. Elizabeth's life challenges us to care for others. Women like Herodias and Sapphira warn us against turning away from God toward bitterness and dishonesty. As Phyllis J. Le Peau introduces twelve significant women of the New Testament, she invites you to enter into their lives and learn from them what it means to be a disciple of Jesus. This ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Exploring Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period: A Guide for New Testament Students, By Larry R. Helyer

    Exploring Jewish Literature of the Second Temple Period

    A Guide for New Testament Students

    by Larry R. Helyer

    From the crisis of the Babylonian exile to the rise of rabbinic Judaism--a span of over six hundred years--the Jewish people produced a wealth of literature that lies outside the Hebrew Bible. Today it goes under names such as apocrypha and pseudepigrapha, Josephus and Philo, apocalyptic literature and the Dead Sea Scrolls, Mishnah and targums. But line by line, scroll by scroll, it represents the ...

  • The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View, By Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton

    The Transforming Vision

    Shaping a Christian World View

    by Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton

    Science, technology and economic growth motivate our society. Each is carried on with little regard for Christian concerns.

    Brian Walsh and Richard Middleton yearn for change. They long to see Christianity penetrate the structures of society, reforming and remolding our culture. From scholarship in the universities to politics, business and family life, the Christian vision can transform ...

  • Seeking God Together: An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction, By Alice Fryling

    Seeking God Together

    An Introduction to Group Spiritual Direction

    by Alice Fryling

    The Spirit is speaking. Can you hear him? If you're longing to become more attentive to God--to listen to him, know his voice and experience his love, spiritual direction can point the way. In Seeking God Together, experienced spiritual director Alice Fryling offers a unique introduction specifically for group spiritual direction: a place where individuals can experience what it means ...

  • Too Busy?: Saying No without Guilt, By Alice Fryling

    Too Busy?

    Saying No without Guilt

    IVP Booklets

    by Alice Fryling

    Are you too busy? Do you feel that you have to do it all--and do it now? If so, the only thing you really need to do is read this booklet! Inside these practical, wise and comforting pages, Alice Fryling introduces Jesus as a model for busy Christians. Jesus balanced his life, limited his commitments, stayed focused on his mission, and achieved his goals. You can do the same, and this booklet ...

  • The Jesus Prayer: A Cry for Mercy, a Path of Renewal, By John Michael Talbot

    The Jesus Prayer

    A Cry for Mercy, a Path of Renewal

    by John Michael Talbot

    "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner."

    These words from the Eastern Christian tradition have strengthened and comforted believers for centuries. In these pages, John Michael Talbot explores the roots of this Jesus Prayer along with the theological and practical meaning of each word for believers today. He ends each chapter with a brief practice using the prayer. ...

  • Service and Secrecy, By Jan Johnson

    Service and Secrecy

    by Jan Johnson

    Serving others can be exhausting. So what is it that motivates you to serve? It's easy to serve for your own glory--to become wrapped up in your own goodness. Yet God challenges you to serve not out of love for yourself but to develop a Christlike love for others. In this Bible study guide, Jan Johnson covers the disciplines of service and secrecy. Going deeper in these areas will help you to ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • The Third Third of Life: Preparing for Your Future, By Walter C. Wright, Jr.

    The Third Third of Life

    Preparing for Your Future

    by Walter C. Wright, Jr.
    Foreword by Max De Pree

    Considering retirement can be daunting. How do you know how to best plan for the future? Now there's a helpful guidebook to lead you thoughtfully into the third third of life. In this brief workbook Walter C. Wright provides eight sessions to help those moving toward retirement plan out their next steps. Developed and field-tested at the Max De Pree Center for Leadership, this guide includes material ...

  • Decisions: Finding God's Will, By J. I. Packer


    Finding God's Will

    by J. I. Packer

    Are you facing a big decision? From job changes to marriage to buying a house, the big decisions you make in life often cause confusion and stress. What does God want you to do? How can you avoid making a decision you'll later regret? Six studies based on J. I. Packer's Finding God's Will provide you the biblical grounding you need to discover God's will and make decisions that honor ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • A Handbook for Married Couples, By Alice Fryling and Robert A. Fryling

    A Handbook for Married Couples

    by Alice Fryling and Robert A. Fryling

    Marriage can bring the best of times and the worst of times. But open and honest communication makes all times better. Alice and Bob Fryling offer married couples a chance to enhance their marriages. They help readers learn crucial skills such as how to make decisions together and how to resolve conflict. Then they apply these skills to tough marital issues like sex, spiritual growth, disappointment ...