Showing 181 - 190 of 2852 results

  • Renaissance: The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times, By Os Guinness


    The Power of the Gospel However Dark the Times

    by Os Guinness

    Logos Bookstores' Best Book in Christianity and Culture

    Honorable Mention, Best Book of the Year from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    We live in dark times. Christians wonder: Are the best days of the Christian faith behind us? Has modernity made Christian thought irrelevant and impotent? Is society beyond all hope of redemption and renewal?

    In ...

  • The Coming Race Wars: A Cry for Justice, from Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter, By William Pannell

    The Coming Race Wars

    A Cry for Justice, from Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter

    by William Pannell
    Introduction by Jemar Tisby

    In the wake of the 1992 Los Angeles riots, Fuller Seminary theologian William Pannell decried the sentiment among white evangelicals that racism was no longer an urgent matter. In The Coming Race Wars? he meticulously unpacked reasons why our nation—and the church—needed to come to terms with our complicity in America's racial transgressions before we face a more dire reckoning. ...

  • Liturgical Mission: The Work of the People for the Life of the World, By Winfield Bevins

    Liturgical Mission

    The Work of the People for the Life of the World

    by Winfield Bevins
    Foreword by Justo L. González

    Modern missional movements have often viewed the historic Christian traditions with suspicion. The old traditions may be beautiful, the thinking goes, but they’re too insular, focused primarily on worship and on the interior life of the church, and not looking outward to evangelism and good works.

    In Liturgical Mission, Winfield Bevins argues that the church's liturgy ...

  • Disability and the Way of Jesus: Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church, By Bethany McKinney Fox

    Disability and the Way of Jesus

    Holistic Healing in the Gospels and the Church

    by Bethany McKinney Fox
    Foreword by John Swinton

    • 2019 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    What does healing mean for people with disabilities? The Gospels are filled with accounts of Jesus offering physical healing. But even as churches today seek to follow the way of Jesus, people with disabilities all too often experience the very opposite of healing and life-giving community: exclusion, judgment, barriers. ...

  • The Path of Christianity: The First Thousand Years, By John Anthony McGuckin

    The Path of Christianity

    The First Thousand Years

    by John Anthony McGuckin

    John Anthony McGuckin, one of the world's leading scholars of ancient Christianity, has synthesized a lifetime of work to produce the most comprehensive and accessible history of the Christian movement during its first thousand years. The Path of Christianity takes readers on a journey from the period immediately after the composition of the Gospels, through the building of the earliest ...

  • Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate, By Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse


    The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate

    by Stanton L. Jones and Mark A. Yarhouse

    How prevalent is homosexuality? What causes it? Is it a psychopathology? Can it be changed?

    Questions like these often accompany discussions of homosexual behavior. For answers we naturally look to scientific studies. But what does the scientific research actually show? More important, what place should this research have in shaping the church's response?

    Stanton Jones and Mark Yarhouse ...

  • In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity, By Oskar Skarsaune

    In the Shadow of the Temple

    Jewish Influences on Early Christianity

    by Oskar Skarsaune

    Oskar Skarsaune makes a fresh contribution to our understanding of the development of the early church in its practice (e.g., worship, baptism and Eucharist) and doctrine (e.g., Scripture, Christology, pneumatology). This book offers the new perspective that Christians were in ongoing and deep conversation with Jews during the early centuries leading up to Constantine. The common perception of ...

  • The Community of the Word: Toward an Evangelical Ecclesiology, Edited by Mark Husbands and Daniel J. Treier

    The Community of the Word

    Toward an Evangelical Ecclesiology

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Mark Husbands and Daniel J. Treier

    Do North American evangelicals have a clear and strong doctrine of the church? Can we generate one? In this volume, editors Mark Husbands and Daniel J. Treier bring together thirteen scholars and teachers to explore the history of evangelical ecclesiology and the continuing discussion regarding the nature of the church, the question of sacraments, the relation of church to society, and the church's ...

  • Arminian Theology: Myths and Realities, By Roger E. Olson

    Arminian Theology

    Myths and Realities

    by Roger E. Olson

    In this book, Roger Olson sets forth classical Arminian theology and addresses the myriad misunderstandings and misrepresentations of it through the ages. Irenic yet incisive, Olson argues that classical Arminian theology has a rightful place in the evangelical church because it maintains deep roots within Reformational theology, even though it maintains important differences from Calvinism. Myths ...

  • The Celebration Place: God's Plan for a Delightfully Diverse Church, By Dorena Williamson

    The Celebration Place

    God's Plan for a Delightfully Diverse Church

    by Dorena Williamson
    Illustrated by Erin Bennett Banks


    No longer is church a divided space
    Now it's a celebration place!

    Church is more than just a building—it's a gathering of God's people to celebrate who he is and all that he has done. It's also where we learn about God's vision for justice and unity. That was the message that Dr. Martin ...