Showing 1971 - 1980 of 2862 results

  • In her book "Nobody's Mother," New Testament scholar Sandra Glahn digs deep into evidence about the ancient Greek goddess Artemis of the Ephesians from both biblical and classical sources in order to bring into focus Paul's teaching in 1 Timothy. Read this interview to learn more about her thoughts on scholarship, mentoring, and the role of story in academic writing.

  • Paul and First-Century Letter Writing: Secretaries, Composition and Collection, By E. Randolph Richards

    Paul and First-Century Letter Writing

    Secretaries, Composition and Collection

    by E. Randolph Richards

    Traditional Christian art depicts Paul the letter writer, pen in hand, attentive to the Spirit. We might think we know better and imagine him pacing in agitation as he rapidly dictates to a secretary his letter to the Galatians. But in reality neither of these pictures is accurate. In Paul's day, producing a letter was a time-consuming and costly business. And we have ample resources from the ancient ...

  • Revelation: An Introduction and Commentary, By Ian Paul


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Ian Paul
    Series edited by Eckhard J. Schnabel and Nicholas Perrin

    The Book of Revelation is a remarkable text. A fascinating piece of Scripture as well as an extraordinary piece of literature, its interpretation has affected our theology, art and worship, and even international politics. Yet it is widely neglected in the church and almost entirely avoided from the pulpit. In this Tyndale Commentary, Ian Paul takes a disciplined approach to the text, paying careful ...

  • How to Read the Psalms, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read the Psalms

    How to Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    The Psalms possess an enduring fascination for us. For frankness, directness, intensity and intimacy, they are unrivaled in all of Scripture. Somehow the psalmists seem to have anticipated all our awe, desires and frustrations. No wonder Christians have used the Psalms in worship from the earliest times to the present.

    Yet the Psalms cause us difficulties when we look at them closely. Their ...

  • Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Historical Books, By Philip E. Satterthwaite and J. Gordon McConville

    Exploring the Old Testament

    A Guide to the Historical Books

    Exploring the Bible Series

    by Philip E. Satterthwaite and J. Gordon McConville

    The historical books, from Joshua to Ezra and Nehemiah, form the narrative backbone of the Old Testament. Without them the Pentateuch would stop cold and the Prophets would hang in suspension. Even the Psalms and Wisdom literature would lose some of their luster for lack of a setting. Without these historical books the New Testament would be resolving an incomplete narrative, answering a question ...

  • Resisting the Marriage Plot: Faith and Female Agency in Austen, Brontë, Gaskell, and Wollstonecraft, By Dalene Joy Fisher

    Resisting the Marriage Plot

    Faith and Female Agency in Austen, Brontë, Gaskell, and Wollstonecraft

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Dalene Joy Fisher

    "I cannot suppose any situation more distressing than for a woman of sensibility with an improving mind to be bound to such a man as I have described."

    Mary Wollstonecraft's response to one of her early critics points to the fact that fiction has long been employed by authors to cast a vision for social change. Less acknowledged, however, has been the role of the Christian ...

  • InterVarsity Press serves customers worldwide in a variety of ways. You can order most of our books directly from us or from one of our distributors near you.

  • The Recovery-Minded Church: Loving and Ministering to People With Addiction, By Jonathan Benz

    The Recovery-Minded Church

    Loving and Ministering to People With Addiction

    by Jonathan Benz
    With Kristina Robb-Dover

    You want to have vibrant and healthy relationships with those who struggle with addiction in your church and community. But you find yourself wondering how to meet their needs in a wise, helpful and God-honoring way. The Recovery-Minded Church addresses the pressing questions you are facing in ministering to those with addictions. Here you will discover a clinically informed, biblical ...