Showing 2101 - 2110 of 3340 results

  • The People's Book: The Reformation and the Bible, Edited by Jennifer Powell McNutt and David Lauber

    The People's Book

    The Reformation and the Bible

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Jennifer Powell McNutt and David Lauber

    Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses caught Europe by storm and initiated the Reformation, which fundamentally transformed both the church and society. Yet by Luther's own estimation, his translation of the Bible into German was his crowning achievement. The Bible played an absolutely vital role in the lives, theology, and practice of the Protestant Reformers. In ...

  • We Believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, Edited by Angelo Di Berardino

    We Believe in One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Angelo Di Berardino

    When was the church founded? Jesus spoke of the kingdom of God and not of a religious organization subsequently called church. We don't find in the Gospels expressions which make reference to the foundation of a new religious community, a new and distinct community of followers of Jesus. But after the resurrection of Jesus, his followers, as a result of his express command, gather ...

  • We Believe in the Holy Spirit, Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    We Believe in the Holy Spirit

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    "The Spirit blows where it pleases," Jesus said to Nicodemus. "You hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

    The Spirit, like the wind, is hard to pin down. Any discussion of the Spirit is fraught with the difficulty of speaking about something or someone who defies definition and who purposely ...

  • We Believe in One God, Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    We Believe in One God

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    "We believe in one God, the Father." The opening clause of the Nicene Creed can be summed up in a single word—monotheism. In the early centuries of the church, this striking doctrine stood starkly against a cultural background of multiple deities and spiritual powers. While it clearly builds on its Jewish heritage, calling God "Father" anticipates the Father-Son relationship ...

  • We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ, Edited by John Anthony McGuckin

    We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by John Anthony McGuckin

    "Who do you say that I am?" This question that Jesus asked of his disciples, so central to his mission, became equally central to the fledgling church. How would it respond to the Gnostics who answered by saying Jesus was less than fully human? How would it respond to the Arians who contended he was less than fully God? It was these challenges that ultimately provoked the Council ...

  • Commentary Index and Resources, By Thomas C. Oden

    Commentary Index and Resources

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    by Thomas C. Oden

    The Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture does what few of today's students of the Bible could do for themselves. The vast array of writings from the church fathers—including much that is available only in the ancient languages—has been combed for its comment on Scripture. Scholars with a deep knowledge of the fathers and a heart for the church have hand-selected material for ...

  • Forgiving and Reconciling: Bridges to Wholeness and Hope, By Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Forgiving and Reconciling

    Bridges to Wholeness and Hope

    by Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    A Templeton Foundation Book of Distinction

    All of us have suffered painful emotional and relational hurts. God calls us to forgive those who have hurt us, but that's often easier said than done. We don't usually know how to forgive others, nor are we always sure if we have truly forgiven them.

    Psychologist and counselor Everett L. Worthington Jr., the leading Christian ...