Showing 2141 - 2150 of 2384 results

  • Joel and Amos: An Introduction and Commentary, By Tchavdar S. Hadjiev

    Joel and Amos

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Tchavdar S. Hadjiev

    Joel's arresting imagery—blasting trumpet, darkened sun, and marching hosts—has shaped the church's eschatological vision of a day of wrath. Amos's ringing indictments—callous oppression, heartless worship, and self-seeking gain—have periodically awakened the conscience of God's people. Twenty-five-hundred years later, those prophetic words still speak powerfully. This Tyndale commentary by Tchavdar ...

  • Jonah, Joel & Amos, By Doug Haugen and Doris Haugen

    Jonah, Joel & Amos

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Doug Haugen and Doris Haugen

    In today's world it's easy to wander away from God. Hectic schedules and the quest for success often mean that time with God gets neglected. But if you slow down long enough to listen, the minor prophets can have a major impact on the quality of your life. These twelve session LifeGuide® Bible Study in Jonah, Joel and Amos, written by Doug and Doris Haugen, will help you focus on ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • The Message of Obadiah, Nahum & Zephaniah, By Gordon Bridger

    The Message of Obadiah, Nahum & Zephaniah

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Gordon Bridger

    Among the books of the Bible, Obadiah, Nahum, and Zephaniah are rarely read or preached. Gordon Bridger moves against this trend, encouraging the study and application of these Old Testament prophets.

    Important biblical themes are found at the heart of these books: God's personal, sovereign, righteous, and loving character; facing up to sin and judgment; responding in repentance ...

  • The Message of Jonah, By Rosemary Nixon

    The Message of Jonah

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Rosemary Nixon

    The book of Jonah is likely the best known of the minor prophets. It is often remembered for its oddity: a runaway prophet swallowed by a whale! But there must be more to the book than that.

    In Jonah we find charted the course not just of a discontented prophet but of Israel's attitude toward its most despised neighbor in the Mediterranean world. Jonah refuses God's call because ...

  • Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah: An Introduction and Commentary, By S. D. Snyman

    Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by S. D. Snyman
    Series edited by David G. Firth
    Consulting Editor Tremper Longman III

    Nahum's prophecy of Nineveh's coming destruction. Habakkuk's probing dialogue with the Lord of Israel. Zephaniah's warning to Jerusalem's last great king. In this Tyndale Old Testament commentary, the texts of these minor but important prophets receive a fresh analysis as S. D. Snyman considers each book's historical setting, structure, and literary features as well as important ...

  • Knowing Scripture, By R. C. Sproul

    Knowing Scripture

    by R. C. Sproul
    Foreword by J. I. Packer

    An Expanded Edition of the Commonsense Approach to Studying Scripture

    The Bible is the written Word of God, and it is treasured by many. But it is also an ancient book about people and cultures very different than us. Thus, while we know we should read it, many of us have a hard time understanding the Bible. In this expanded edition of Knowing Scripture, R. C. Sproul ...

  • Scripture and Cosmology: Reading the Bible Between the Ancient World and Modern Science, By Kyle Greenwood

    Scripture and Cosmology

    Reading the Bible Between the Ancient World and Modern Science

    by Kyle Greenwood

    Christians often claim to hold a biblical worldview. But what about a biblical cosmos view? From the beginning of Genesis we encounter a vaulted dome above the earth, a "firmament," like the ceiling of a planetarium. Elsewhere we read of the earth sitting on pillars. What does the dome of heaven have to do with deep space? Even when the biblical language is clearly poetic, it seems to be funded ...

  • 608

    Women, Authority & the Bible

    Edited by Alvera Mickelsen

    Evangelicals have reached a critical impasse. Advocates of more traditional roles for women say the heart of the matter is biblical authority. Those supporting more open roles say the crux is not biblical authority but biblical interpretation and application.

    • What are the real issues in this controversy?
    • How can we make sense out of key passages in 1 Corinthians, Galatians, ...
  • Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Old Testament Ethics for the People of God

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Nothing confuses Christian ethics quite like the Old Testament. Some faithful readers struggle through its pages and conclude that they must obey its moral laws but may disregard its ceremonial and civil laws. Others abandon its teaching altogether in favor of a strictly New Testament ethic. Neither option, argues Chris Wright, gives the Old Testament its due. In this innovative approach to Old ...

  • Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Historical Books, By Philip E. Satterthwaite and J. Gordon McConville

    Exploring the Old Testament

    A Guide to the Historical Books

    Exploring the Bible Series

    by Philip E. Satterthwaite and J. Gordon McConville

    The historical books, from Joshua to Ezra and Nehemiah, form the narrative backbone of the Old Testament. Without them the Pentateuch would stop cold and the Prophets would hang in suspension. Even the Psalms and Wisdom literature would lose some of their luster for lack of a setting. Without these historical books the New Testament would be resolving an incomplete narrative, answering a question ...