Showing 211 - 220 of 2656 results

  • From Bubble to Bridge: Educating Christians for a Multifaith World, By Marion H. Larson and Sara L. H. Shady

    From Bubble to Bridge

    Educating Christians for a Multifaith World

    by Marion H. Larson and Sara L. H. Shady
    Foreword by Eboo Patel

    Understanding our religious neighbors is more important than ever—but also more challenging. In a world of deep religious strife and increasing pluralism it can seem safer to remain inside the "bubble" of our faith community. Christian college campuses in particular provide a strong social bubble that reinforces one's faith identity in distinction from the wider society. Many Christians ...

  • Agents of Flourishing: Pursuing Shalom in Every Corner of Society, By Amy L. Sherman

    Agents of Flourishing

    Pursuing Shalom in Every Corner of Society

    Made to Flourish Resources

    by Amy L. Sherman

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    God calls Christians to participate in his redemptive mission in every sphere of life. Every corner, every square inch of society can flourish as God intends, and Christians of any vocation can become agents of that flourishing. Amy Sherman offers a multifaceted, biblically grounded framework for enacting God's call to seek the ...

  • Standing with the Vulnerable: A Curriculum for Transforming Lives and Communities, By Gil Odendaal

    Standing with the Vulnerable

    A Curriculum for Transforming Lives and Communities

    by Gil Odendaal

    The world has needs. Children are orphaned, refugees are displaced and families are devastated by natural disasters. But God is greater than those needs, and he works through his people to accomplish healing and transformation. God calls us to integral mission— obeying both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment in ministering to people's spiritual, physical, emotional and social well-being. ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Religions on Trial: A Lawyer Examines Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and More, By W. Mark Lanier

    Religions on Trial

    A Lawyer Examines Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and More

    by W. Mark Lanier

    People today encounter a dizzying array of religious options. We might consider mystical faiths like Buddhism and Hinduism, historical religions like Islam and Mormonism, or more nebulous modern expressions of being spiritual but not religious or religious but not spiritual. How do we know what is true? Is one faith just as good as another?

    Trial lawyer Mark Lanier presents ...

  • Liberation Is Here: Women Uncovering Hope in a Broken World, By Nikole Lim

    Liberation Is Here

    Women Uncovering Hope in a Broken World

    by Nikole Lim

    As a freelance filmmaker, Nikole Lim's career allowed her to step in and out of the lives of marginalized people around the world. But when confronted with the prevalence of sexual violence in Kenyan and Zambian communities, she commits to advocating alongside the courageous survivors whose lives have intersected with hers.

    These women's powerful stories inspire her to embark ...

  • Coming to Peace with Psychology: What Christians Can Learn from Psychological Science, By Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Coming to Peace with Psychology

    What Christians Can Learn from Psychological Science

    by Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Religion and science have often been at odds. In particular, Christianity and psychology have not always gotten along. Some Christians are still suspicious of psychological findings. But researcher Everett Worthington argues that Christians can know people better--and even know God better--through psychological science. Worthington suggests that the relationship between psychological science and ...

  • Coming to Peace with Science: Bridging the Worlds Between Faith and Biology, By Darrel R. Falk

    Coming to Peace with Science

    Bridging the Worlds Between Faith and Biology

    by Darrel R. Falk
    Foreword by Francis S. Collins

    Is a thoroughly Christian and biblically informed doctrine of creation compatible with widely held conclusions of modern science, especially biology? For Darrel R. Falk, this is not just an abstract question but one with which he has personally wrestled. A professor of biology, Falk brings together his biblically based understanding of creation and the most current research in biology. The result ...

  • Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle: Living Fully, Loving Dangerously, By Kent Annan

    Following Jesus Through the Eye of the Needle

    Living Fully, Loving Dangerously

    by Kent Annan

    In 2003 Kent Annan left behind his prosperous, comfortable upbringing to face the world beyond its gates, where people wear his cast-off clothing and seek comfort from the heat in the long shadow of his homeland. Haiti, apparently, was where God wanted him. Of course, just because God wants you somewhere doesn't mean it's going to be easy. Little did he know how important his work would be. Now, ...

  • Walking Through Twilight: A Wife's Illness—A Philosopher's Lament, By Douglas Groothuis

    Walking Through Twilight

    A Wife's Illness—A Philosopher's Lament

    by Douglas Groothuis
    Foreword by Nicholas Wolterstorff

    How do you continue to find God as dementia pulls your loved one into the darkness? Nothing is simple for a person suffering from dementia, and for those they love. When ordinary tasks of communication, such as using a phone, become complex, then difficult, and then impossible, isolation becomes inevitable. Helping becomes excruciating. In these pages philosopher Douglas Groothuis ...