Showing 2331 - 2340 of 3827 results

  • 5345
    product set

    Little Books

    IVP Academic's Little Books are where apprentices meet the masters. For the student they offer a starting point, an inspiring vision, and an opportunity to set their course into the future. Career scholars sum up their time-tested wisdom and pass it on to a new generation.

    These are books to put in the hands of beginning students. Take them to a high point to catch a view of the horizons beyond. ...

  • 2580
    product set

    History of Evangelicalism Series

    People, Movements and Ideas in the English-Speaking World

    General Editor David W. Bebbington and Mark A. Noll

    This series seeks to integrate the social and intellectual history of a diverse yet cohesive Christian movement over the last three hundred years. The associations, books, practices, beliefs, networks of influence and prominent individuals which descended from the eighteenth-century British and North American revivals all come into view. Accessible to a wide range of readers, the volumes of the ...

  • The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View, By Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton

    The Transforming Vision

    Shaping a Christian World View

    by Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton

    Science, technology and economic growth motivate our society. Each is carried on with little regard for Christian concerns.

    Brian Walsh and Richard Middleton yearn for change. They long to see Christianity penetrate the structures of society, reforming and remolding our culture. From scholarship in the universities to politics, business and family life, the Christian vision can transform ...

  • Decisions: Finding God's Will, By J. I. Packer


    Finding God's Will

    by J. I. Packer

    Are you facing a big decision? From job changes to marriage to buying a house, the big decisions you make in life often cause confusion and stress. What does God want you to do? How can you avoid making a decision you'll later regret? Six studies based on J. I. Packer's Finding God's Will provide you the biblical grounding you need to discover God's will and make decisions that honor ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Trekking Toward Wholeness: A Resource for Care Group Leaders, By Stephen P. Greggo

    Trekking Toward Wholeness

    A Resource for Care Group Leaders

    by Stephen P. Greggo

    Stephen Greggo offers an in-depth exploration of care group leadership from a Christian perspective. Care groups are worth pursuing because they can create a biblically grounded context for corrective healing relationships. Care group leaders engaged in pastoral care, counseling services or spiritual formation will catch a vision for how the core interpersonal process can be instrumental ...

  • Inner Healing: A Handbook for Helping Yourself and Others, By Mike T. Flynn and Douglas H. Gregg

    Inner Healing

    A Handbook for Helping Yourself and Others

    by Mike T. Flynn and Douglas H. Gregg

    This straightforward handbook by Mike Flynn and Doug Gregg shows how God can set a new course for our lives and provides us all the tools necessary to embark on a journey of inner healing. Writing from a biblical perspective which seeks to correct common myths and misunderstandings about this vital ministry, Flynn and Gregg's work will be valued both by those who want to help their hurting friends ...

  • Leading Across Cultures: Effective Ministry and Mission in the Global Church, By James E. Plueddemann

    Leading Across Cultures

    Effective Ministry and Mission in the Global Church

    by James E. Plueddemann

    The worldwide church is more interconnected than ever before, with missionaries going from everywhere to everywhere. Africans work with Australians in India. Koreans plant churches in London and Los Angeles. But globalization also creates challenges for crosscultural tension and misunderstandings, as different cultures have conflicting assumptions about leadership values and styles. Missiologist ...