Showing 231 - 240 of 1690 results

  • Spirituality According to John: Abiding in Christ in the Johannine Writings, By Rodney Reeves

    Spirituality According to John

    Abiding in Christ in the Johannine Writings

    by Rodney Reeves

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    Through all of John's works, a consistent message is woven: being a Christian is about abiding in Christ and in his words. The Gospel of John, the epistle of 1 John, and the Apocalypse all begin in the same way: by pointing to the importance of knowing the Word, both written and incarnate. Using an artistic, storytelling ...

  • Exploring the New Testament: A Guide to the Gospels and Acts, By David Wenham and Steve Walton

    Exploring the New Testament

    A Guide to the Gospels and Acts

    Exploring the Bible Series

    by David Wenham and Steve Walton

    Written by scholars with extensive experience teaching in colleges and universities, the Exploring the Bible series has for decades equipped students to study Scripture for themselves.

    Exploring the New Testament, Volume One provides an accessible introduction to the Gospels and Acts. It's filled with classroom-friendly features such as discussion questions, charts, ...

  • Advent of the Savior, Edited by Cindy Bunch

    Advent of the Savior

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    Edited by Cindy Bunch

    On a seemingly ordinary day, in a manger in the middle of bustling, overcrowded Bethlehem, the promised Messiah slipped into the world as a tiny baby. Thousands had longed for his coming, few witnessed his entrance, but millions have been changed by his life. This six-session LifeGuide® Bible Study will introduce you to the circumstances surrounding the birth of Jesus, remind you of ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Salvation to the Ends of the Earth: A Biblical Theology of Mission, By Andreas J. Köstenberger

    Salvation to the Ends of the Earth

    A Biblical Theology of Mission

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Andreas J. Köstenberger
    With T. Desmond Alexander
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Few biblical topics are as important as mission. Mission is linked inextricably to humanity's sinfulness and need for redemption and to God's provision of salvation in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This good news of salvation must be made known. The saving mission of Jesus constitutes the foundation for Christian mission, and the Christian gospel is its message.

    This ...

  • Philippians, By N. T. Wright


    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Things don't always go the way we intend. It's easy to feel discouraged because what we hope for is badly thwarted, or because people make life difficult. Paul, writing to the Philippians from prison, certainly knew what it was like to have plans interrupted. But he maintains robust confidence in God's overruling power, even when everything seems to be going wrong. These eight studies will help ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Hebrews, By Ray C. Stedman


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Ray C. Stedman

    For people beginning to doubt the uniqueness and supremacy of Christ, the author of the book of Hebrews provided one of the longest, most profound arguments in the New Testament. Christians today will find their understanding stretched and their loyalty confirmed by this rich presentation of our great High Priest, the Son of God, whose sacrifice of himself took away our sins and gave us continual ...

  • Pioneering Movements: Leadership That Multiplies Disciples and Churches, By Steve Addison

    Pioneering Movements

    Leadership That Multiplies Disciples and Churches

    by Steve Addison
    Foreword by Dave Ferguson

    God's mission needs movement leaders. Jesus pioneered something completely new in human history—a dynamic missionary movement intent on reaching the world. His mission is as clear and as relevant today as in the days of the early church: to make disciples everywhere, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded. But the potential of the church remains untapped. What does ...

  • Christ, Our Righteousness: Paul's Theology of Justification, By Mark A. Seifrid

    Christ, Our Righteousness

    Paul's Theology of Justification

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Mark A. Seifrid
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Since the time of the Reformation, considerable attention has been given to the theme of justification in the thought of the apostle Paul. The ground-breaking work of E. P. Sanders in Paul and Palestinian Judaism (1977) introduced the "new perspective on Paul," provoking an ongoing debate which is now dominated by major protagonists. Foundational theological issues are at stake. In this ...