Showing 241 - 250 of 3822 results

  • Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys: A Native American Expression of the Jesus Way, By Richard Twiss

    Rescuing the Gospel from the Cowboys

    A Native American Expression of the Jesus Way

    by Richard Twiss

    Missio Alliance Essential Reading List
    One of Seedbed's 10 Notable Books

    The gospel of Jesus has not always been good news for Native Americans.

    The history of North America is marred by atrocities committed against Native peoples. Indigenous cultures were erased in the name of Christianity. As a result, to this day few Native Americans are followers ...

  • and its affiliated blogs, social media pages and feeds, and opt-in email newsletters (individually and collectively referred to as, the "Site") is brought to you by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA d/b/a InterVarsity Press, an Illinois not-for-profit religious corporation ("IVP" or "we" or "us"). 

  • Biblical Theology According to the Apostles: How the Earliest Christians Told the Story of Israel, By Chris Bruno and Jared Compton and Kevin McFadden

    Biblical Theology According to the Apostles

    How the Earliest Christians Told the Story of Israel

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Chris Bruno, Jared Compton, and Kevin McFadden
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Runner up and Finalist

    How did the apostles understand the Old Testament?

    Although relatively few in number, the New Testament's explicit summaries of the Old Testament story of Israel give readers direct access into the way the earliest Christians told this story—that is to say, into the way they did biblical theology.

    This ...

  • Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain, By William M. Struthers

    Wired for Intimacy

    How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain

    by William M. Struthers

    Pornography is powerful. Our contemporary culture as been pornified, and it shapes our assumptions about identity, sexuality, the value of women and the nature of relationships. Countless Christian men struggle with the addictive power of porn. But common spiritual approaches of more prayer and accountability groups are often of limited help. In this book neuroscientist and researcher William Struthers ...

  • Every Leaf, Line, and Letter: Evangelicals and the Bible from the 1730s to the Present, Edited by Timothy Larsen

    Every Leaf, Line, and Letter

    Evangelicals and the Bible from the 1730s to the Present

    Edited by Timothy Larsen

    "I was filled with a pining desire to see Christ's own words in the Bible. . . . I got along to the window where my Bible was and I opened it and . . . every leaf, line, and letter smiled in my face."The Spiritual Travels of Nathan Cole, 1765

    From its earliest days, Christians in the movement known as evangelicalism have had "a particular regard for the Bible," ...

  • The Song of Songs: An Introduction and Commentary, By Iain M. Duguid

    The Song of Songs

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by Iain M. Duguid

    This Old Testament book, 'the best of songs', has fascinated and perplexed interpreters for centuries. We hear the passionate melody of romantic love, and are confronted by erotic imagery but whose love is described? Is it a couple?s love for each other, God?s love for his people, or a poem that speaks to love in all its dimensions? Iain Duguid?s commentary explains how the Song is designed to ...

  • Partnering with the Global Church, By Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye

    Partnering with the Global Church

    Urbana Onward

    by Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye

    In our globally interconnected world, mission depends on healthy partnerships across the globe. Many talk about wanting to partner with the Global South, but we're not always sure what that looks like on the ground. Too often North Americans have acted as if we don't need others to do what we think God has called us to do. And our witness overseas has suffered as a result. We need to live out a ...

  • Steve Hayner was healthy and fit and serving as president of Columbia Seminary when he found out he had pancreatic cancer. He and his wife, Sharol, embarked on a journey together with their children that soon included tens of thousands of visits from friends and acquaintances via CaringBridge. The overwhelming response to their posts on this website attested to the surprising and engaging way that they chose to live in the face of death. In the fall of 2015 InterVarsity Press will be releasing a compilation of those posts in the book Joy in the Journey: Finding Abundance in the Shadow of Death by Steve and Sharol Hayner.

  • Discover Your Gifts: Celebrating How God Made You and Everyone You Know, By Don Everts

    Discover Your Gifts

    Celebrating How God Made You and Everyone You Know

    Lutheran Hour Ministries Resources

    by Don Everts
    Foreword by Savannah Kimberlin

    You have gifts! And you are a gift to the world around you. Because every human is fearfully and wonderfully made, each one of us has something to offer to the world. But we have not always identified or developed our gifts well, nor deployed them effectively. Don Everts explores the gifts God has given every person and what new research reveals about the difference those gifts ...

  • Teaching in a Distant Classroom: Crossing Borders for Global Transformation, By Michael H. Romanowski and Teri McCarthy

    Teaching in a Distant Classroom

    Crossing Borders for Global Transformation

    by Michael H. Romanowski and Teri McCarthy

    Thousands of North American Christians teach overseas every year. International teaching experiences can be tremendously rewarding. But often teachers are not fully prepared for the challenges of crosscultural life, and many are jolted and disillusioned by the realities of the overseas classroom. Veteran educators Mike Romanowski and Teri McCarthy provide an essential guide for Christians teaching ...