Showing 241 - 250 of 2910 results

  • Theology as Retrieval: Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church, By W. David Buschart and Kent Eilers

    Theology as Retrieval

    Receiving the Past, Renewing the Church

    by W. David Buschart and Kent Eilers

    "Tradition is the living faith of the dead." —Jaroslav Pelikan The movement to retrieve the Christian past is a mode of theological discernment, a cultivated habit of thought. It views the doctrines, practices and resonant realities of the Christian tradition as deep wells for a thirsty age. This movement across the church looks back in order to move forward. David Buschart and Kent Eilers survey ...

  • Worshiping with the Reformers, By Karin Maag

    Worshiping with the Reformers

    by Karin Maag

    Worship of the triune God has always stood at the center of the Christian life. That was certainly the case during the sixteenth-century Reformation as well. Yet in the midst of tremendous social and theological upheaval, the church had to renew its understanding of what it means to worship God.

    In this volume, which serves as a companion to IVP Academic's Reformation Commentary ...

  • Sentness: Six Postures of Missional Christians, By Kim Hammond and Darren Cronshaw


    Six Postures of Missional Christians

    by Kim Hammond and Darren Cronshaw
    Foreword by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch

    Ever wonder why people fall asleep in church? It happens. We?ve all seen it. We shuffle into rows of seats that grow more comfortable with every new fundraising campaign. We slouch down and settle in for an hour or so, as singers and storytellers and preachers and teachers take their turns filling our ears. And almost without fail, at least one of us nods off while listening to the greatest story ...

  • More Than Equals: Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel, By Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice

    More Than Equals

    Racial Healing for the Sake of the Gospel

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice

    "The first step in the reconciliation process," Spencer Perkins writes, "is admitting that the race problem exists and that our inability to deal with race has weakened the credibility of our gospel."

    When longtime ministry partners and friends Spencer Perkins and Chris Rice began writing More Than Equals in the early 1990s, their goal was to offer an example of how ...

  • 4928
    product set

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    Worship of the triune God stands at the heart of the Christian life, so understanding the many dynamics of Christian worship—including prayer, reading the Bible, preaching, baptism, the Lord’s Supper, music, visual art, architecture, and more—is both a perennial and crucial issue for the church.

    With that in mind, the Dynamics of Christian Worship (DCW) series seeks to enable Christians to ...

  • Culture Care: Reconnecting with Beauty for Our Common Life, By Makoto Fujimura

    Culture Care

    Reconnecting with Beauty for Our Common Life

    by Makoto Fujimura
    Foreword by Mark Labberton

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year
    Christianity Today's Book of the Year Award of Merit

    "Culture is not a territory to be won or lost but a resource we are called to steward with care. Culture is a garden to be cultivated."

    Many bemoan the decay of culture. But we all have a responsibility to care for culture, to nurture it ...

  • Breaking the Huddle: How Your Community Can Grow Its Witness, By Don Everts and Doug Schaupp and Val Gordon

    Breaking the Huddle

    How Your Community Can Grow Its Witness

    by Don Everts, Doug Schaupp, and Val Gordon

    • 15th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Evangelism

    Most Christians are stuck in the huddle. Even though we believe in outreach, most communities tend to focus on our own needs. That turns us into insular groups without many relationships with outsiders. So evangelism is occasional and conversions are rare. How do we change? In their ...

  • Worship by Faith Alone: Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Reformation of Liturgy, By Zac Hicks

    Worship by Faith Alone

    Thomas Cranmer, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Reformation of Liturgy

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by Zac Hicks
    Foreword by Ashley Null

    In every age, the church must consider what it means to gather together to worship God.

    If the church is primarily the people who follow the risen Christ, then its worship should be "gospel-centered." But where might the church find an example of such worship for today?

    In this Dynamics of Christian Worship volume, scholar, worship leader, and songwriter Zac Hicks contends ...

  • In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity, By Oskar Skarsaune

    In the Shadow of the Temple

    Jewish Influences on Early Christianity

    by Oskar Skarsaune

    Oskar Skarsaune makes a fresh contribution to our understanding of the development of the early church in its practice (e.g., worship, baptism and Eucharist) and doctrine (e.g., Scripture, Christology, pneumatology). This book offers the new perspective that Christians were in ongoing and deep conversation with Jews during the early centuries leading up to Constantine. The common perception of ...

  • Cradling Abundance: One African Christian's Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty, By Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna

    Cradling Abundance

    One African Christian's Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty

    by Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna
    With Elsie Tshimunyi McKee

    Growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna persevered through many challenges: political turmoil and violence, misogyny and patriarchy, lack of community resources and personal loss. As she carved out a life for herself, her family, and her community, she kept seeing the same story played out for women vulnerable and trapped in poverty. Every system ...