Showing 2581 - 2590 of 2862 results

  • Forming Resilient Children: The Role of Spiritual Formation for Healthy Development, By Holly Catterton Allen

    Forming Resilient Children

    The Role of Spiritual Formation for Healthy Development

    by Holly Catterton Allen
    Foreword by Catherine Stonehouse

    Many children today are growing up in the midst of adversity, whether brought on by family difficulties or larger societal crises. All children need to be able to deal with stress, cope with challenges, and persevere through disappointments. While we cannot protect children from all hardships, we can promote healthy development that fosters resilience.

    In this interdisciplinary ...

  • Brave Souls: Experiencing the Audacious Power of Empathy, By Belinda Bauman

    Brave Souls

    Experiencing the Audacious Power of Empathy

    by Belinda Bauman
    Foreword by Christine Caine

    What if empathy could save us? Belinda Bauman was living a comfortable life as a wife, mother, and nonprofit leader—but her soul was checked out. Then she met Esperance. An assault survivor living in one of the poorest, most dangerous countries in the world, Esperance and other Congolese women shared their harrowing stories with Belinda. Their vulnerability set Belinda on a path ...

  • Why Do I Feel Like This?: Understand Your Difficult Emotions and Find Grace to Move Through, By Peace Amadi

    Why Do I Feel Like This?

    Understand Your Difficult Emotions and Find Grace to Move Through

    by Peace Amadi

    "Why do I feel this way?"

    Sometimes life is a mess and we get overwhelmed by all sorts of conflicting, difficult emotions. We might be stressed or weary, anxious or fearful, paralyzed by insecurity or crushed by pain. Worse yet, some well-meaning people invalidate our feelings and tell us to just cheer up and forget our worries.

    Rather than bypass the reality of our ...

  • The Message of Daniel, By Dale Ralph Davis

    The Message of Daniel

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Dale Ralph Davis

    Many have heard the story of Daniel in the lion’s den, but there is much more to the book of Daniel than lions. Interspersed with memorable stories is a complex series of visions that touch on the whole scope of human history.

    In this Bible Speaks Today volume, former pastor and professor Dale Ralph Davis explains the background of Daniel, analyzes the stories and visions ...

  • The Softer Side of Leadership: Essential Soft Skills That Transform Leaders and the People They Lead, By Eugene B. Habecker

    The Softer Side of Leadership

    Essential Soft Skills That Transform Leaders and the People They Lead

    by Eugene B. Habecker
    With Marylou Habecker

    Many who lead or who aspire to lead rightly champion the importance of hard skills. These are skills that are informed by quantitative measurement and analytical thinking, among others. Knowing the numbers, embracing leadership tasks, and implementing the right strategies are important but no longer enough to be an effective leader. Indeed, the best of the leadership literature consistently emphasizes ...

  • Who Needs Theology?: An Invitation to the Study of God, By Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson

    Who Needs Theology?

    An Invitation to the Study of God

    by Stanley J. Grenz and Roger E. Olson

    To many Christians theology is something alien, overly intellectual and wholly unappealing. Even seminary students are known to balk at the prospect of a course on theology. Yet theology—most simply, the knowledge of God—is essential to the life and health of the church.

    In this short introduction, Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson, two theologians who care deeply about the witness of ordinary ...

  • The Victory of the Cross: Salvation in Eastern Orthodoxy, By James R. Payton Jr.

    The Victory of the Cross

    Salvation in Eastern Orthodoxy

    by James R. Payton Jr.

    Word Guild Awards — Academic

    How can Christians claim that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross is a victory?

    Yet the doctrine of salvation affirms precisely that: in his death and his resurrection, Christ is victorious over the power of sin and death. The articulation of this tenet of faith has taken different shapes throughout the church's life and ...

  • How I Changed My Mind About Evolution: Evangelicals Reflect on Faith and Science, Edited by Kathryn Applegate and J. B. Stump

    How I Changed My Mind About Evolution

    Evangelicals Reflect on Faith and Science

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    Edited by Kathryn Applegate and J. B. Stump
    Foreword by Deborah Haarsma

    Perhaps no topic appears as potentially threatening to evangelicals as evolution. The very idea seems to exclude God from the creation the book of Genesis celebrates. Yet many evangelicals have come to accept the conclusions of science while still holding to a vigorous belief in God and the Bible. How did they make this journey? How did they come to embrace both evolution and faith? Here are ...

  • Know What You Believe, By Paul E. Little

    Know What You Believe

    by Paul E. Little
    Foreword by James F. Nyquist

    What does Christianity have to do with anything? What does the Christian faith teach about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit? What do I need to know about angels, Satan and demons? What place should the Bible or a church have in my life? By exploring these and other core questions, bestselling author Paul E. Little leads you into a greater appreciation of a God who has done great things to bring ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Christianity versus Fatalistic Religions in the War Against Poverty, By Udo Middelmann

    Christianity versus Fatalistic Religions in the War Against Poverty

    by Udo Middelmann

    Most literature and many aid efforts concerned with poverty relief and development function on mathematical assumptions. Those who have more should share with those who have less, thus creating equality. Some would add a moral component saying that those having more are morally wrong and must have gained their surplus from outright theft or unfair trade. But on the side of the needy, religious ...