Showing 2641 - 2650 of 3824 results

  • Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus, By C. Christopher Smith and John Pattison

    Slow Church

    Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus

    by C. Christopher Smith and John Pattison
    Foreword by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

    Readers' Choice Award Winner

    Best Books About the Church from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    Fast food. Fast cars. Fast and furious. Fast forward. Fast . . . church?

    The church is often idealized (or demonized) as the last bastion of a bygone era, dragging our feet as we're pulled into new moralities and new spiritualities. We guard our ...

  • A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Exegesis: Taking the Fear out of Critical Method, By Richard J. Erickson

    A Beginner's Guide to New Testament Exegesis

    Taking the Fear out of Critical Method

    by Richard J. Erickson

    Let's face it. Just the word exegesis puts some of us on edge. We are excited about learning to interpret the Bible, but the thought of exegetical method evokes a chill. Some textbooks on exegesis do nothing to overcome these apprehensions. The language is dense. The concepts are hard. And the expectations are way too high. However, the skills that we need to learn are ones that a minister ...

  • Bible Matters: Making Sense of Scripture, By Tim Chester

    Bible Matters

    Making Sense of Scripture

    by Tim Chester

    The Bible is God's Word. The Bible teaches us how we should live. The Bible is something we should read every day. The Bible is something we should enjoy reading.

    Most of us agree with these statements. At least in theory. But what's our reality? Sometimes reading the Bible is a delight. But if we’re honest, many times reading the Bible feels like hard work and we read out of ...

  • Recapturing an Enchanted World: Ritual and Sacrament in the Free Church Tradition, By John D. Rempel

    Recapturing an Enchanted World

    Ritual and Sacrament in the Free Church Tradition

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by John D. Rempel
    Foreword by Gordon T. Smith

    How might our worship recapture and reflect the enchanted world of God's nearness in Jesus Christ?

    In this first volume in IVP Academic's Dynamics of Christian Worship series, John D. Rempel offers a vision for this kind of transformative worship. A theologian and minister in the Mennonite Church, Rempel considers the role of the sacraments and ritual within the Free Church ...

  • Charting the Course: Values for Navigating Life in the Marketplace, By Bruce D. Howard

    Charting the Course

    Values for Navigating Life in the Marketplace

    by Bruce D. Howard

    Why is it that the same economic forces that produce good things for us like penicillin and housing are just as effective at bringing us things like pornography and heroin? How can the same systems of production generate such a wide array of good and bad outcomes? Markets are morally neutral. But people are not. Markets recognize no moral difference between good and evil. Markets don't inherently ...

  • Suffering and the Search for Meaning: Contemporary Responses to the Problem of Pain, By Richard Rice

    Suffering and the Search for Meaning

    Contemporary Responses to the Problem of Pain

    by Richard Rice

    Suffering is a philosophical problem, but it is much more. It is deeply personal. Why is this happening to me? How can I respond to friends and family in pain and loss, and to people in my care? Richard Rice guides readers through the seven most significant theodicies—approaches that have been used to make sense of suffering in light of God's justice or control. He considers the strengths ...

  • The Big Book on Small Groups, By Jeffrey Arnold

    The Big Book on Small Groups

    by Jeffrey Arnold

    What's so big about small groups? With proven results in drawing people into community and helping them grow to maturity in Christ, small groups have established themselves as a crucial ministry of the church to its members and its mission field. But whether leading a small group, coaching small group leaders or implementing a churchwide ministry, you need vision, knowledge and skill to minister ...

  • The Message of Ezekiel, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    The Message of Ezekiel

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Ezekiel comes to us as a stranger from a distant time and land. Who is this man? He is a priest who, on his thirtieth birthday, has a dazzling vision of God on a wheeled throne; an odd prophet who engages in outlandish street theater and speaks for God on international affairs; and a seer who paints murals of apocalyptic doom and then of a restored temple bursting with emblems of ...

  • The Message of Zechariah, By Barry G. Webb

    The Message of Zechariah

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Barry G. Webb

    Zechariah is imbued from beginning to end with the same heart cry that Jesus turned into a prayer for the world: "Your kingdom come."

    In this volume, Barry G. Webb explores the kingdom of God as the prophet Zechariah apprehended it. In oracles and visions Zechariah challenged his hearers to return to the coming kingdom, to cleanse themselves in anticipation of the cleansing ...

  • The Message of Amos, By J. Alec Motyer

    The Message of Amos

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by J. Alec Motyer

    They neglected the needy, gained material riches through exploitation, and indulged in inauthentic religious practices. And rather than following God in the pursuit of justice, they drew on the divine name to justify their pretense. This is the social landscape in which the prophet Amos delivers a message from God. With searing clarity and daring hope, Amos calls God's people to ...