Showing 2861 - 2870 of 2902 results

  • Old Testament Theology for Christians: From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief, By John H. Walton

    Old Testament Theology for Christians

    From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief

    by John H. Walton

    Modern readers of the Bible often find the Old Testament difficult and even disturbing. What are we to do with obscure prophecies of long expired nations? Why should we read and study ancient laws that even the New Testament says are eclipsed by Christ? How can we reconcile Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount with the Old Testament’s graphic narratives of sex and violence? What does the Old Testament offer ...

  • Intimate Marriage Leader's Guide, By Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III

    Intimate Marriage Leader's Guide

    by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III

    The church should be the place where marriage is the strongest, but again and again both statistics and personal experience reveal that Christian marriages have all of the same problems faced by the rest of the world. How can churches redeem marriages and remake them so that they transform individual souls and reflect the glory of God? This leader's guide is for church leaders--small group leaders, ...

  • Emmanuel Kolini: The Unlikely Archbishop of Rwanda, By Mary Weeks Millard

    Emmanuel Kolini

    The Unlikely Archbishop of Rwanda

    by Mary Weeks Millard

    Turbulent times of wars, oppression and adverse living conditions can break a man or forge him into a leader who inspires us. Such a man is Emmanuel Kolini, Archbishop of Rwanda and one of the leaders in the global Anglican Communion. He was born in a part of Africa that has had a long and troubling history of racial hatred and bloodshed. The author gives us a background and context for this hatred ...

  • A Multitude of All Peoples: Engaging Ancient Christianity's Global Identity, By Vince L. Bantu

    A Multitude of All Peoples

    Engaging Ancient Christianity's Global Identity

    Missiological Engagements

    by Vince L. Bantu

    Christianity Today Award of Merit

    Christianity is not becoming a global religion. It has always been a global religion. The early Christian movement spread from Jerusalem in every direction, taking on local cultural expression all around the ancient world. So why do so many people see Christianity as a primarily Western, white religion?

    In ...

  • Social Justice Handbook: Small Steps for a Better World, By Mae Elise Cannon

    Social Justice Handbook

    Small Steps for a Better World

    BridgeLeader Books

    by Mae Elise Cannon
    Foreword by John M. Perkins

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year award winner

    Every day we are confronted by challenging societal problems, from poverty and institutional racism to AIDS and homelessness. It can all seem so overwhelming. But while none of us can do everything, all of us can do something. This handbook will help you discover what you can do.

    Mae Elise Cannon provides a ...

  • Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness: Exploring Missiology Through the Lens of Disability Studies, By Benjamin T. Conner

    Disabling Mission, Enabling Witness

    Exploring Missiology Through the Lens of Disability Studies

    Missiological Engagements

    by Benjamin T. Conner

    In recent decades churches have accommodated people with disabilities in various ways. Through access ramps and elevators and sign language, disabled persons are invited in to worship. But are they actually enfolded into the church's mission? Have the able-bodied come to recognize and appreciate the potential contributions of people with disabilities in the ministry and witness of the church? Benjamin ...

  • Small Group Idea Book, Edited by Cindy Bunch

    Small Group Idea Book

    Edited by Cindy Bunch

    Are you looking for fresh ideas to energize your small group? Here are hundreds of activities contributed by small group experts from across the United States. Tested in the field and drawn from the front lines of small group ministry, these creative ideas will help you evaluate the state of your group and enhance the five components of healthy group life. Community activities for the four stages ...

  • Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community, and Worship, By Holly Catterton Allen and Christine Lawton and Cory L. Seibel

    Intergenerational Christian Formation

    Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community, and Worship

    by Holly Catterton Allen, Christine Lawton, and Cory L. Seibel
    Foreword by Jason Brian Santos

    "One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts." —Psalm 145:4

    Most churches and faith communities segment their ministries by age and generation. In some congregations, people may never interact with those of other ages. But it was not always so. Throughout biblical tradition and the majority of history, communities of faith included people ...

  • Losing Face & Finding Grace: 12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans, By Tom Lin

    Losing Face & Finding Grace

    12 Bible Studies for Asian-Americans

    by Tom Lin

    Raised as one of only a handful of Asians in my Chicago suburb, I did not want to be part of the Asian culture. It did not seem relevant. Besides, I thought, "Other than skin color, we're all the same, right?"

    I remember hearing comments from friends such as "I don't think of you as Asian, but just like the rest of us [white]." These were meant as compliments (and I often took ...

  • New Testament Christological Hymns: Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance, By Matthew E. Gordley

    New Testament Christological Hymns

    Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance

    by Matthew E. Gordley

    We know that the earliest Christians sang hymns. Paul encourages believers to sing "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs." And at the dawn of the second century the Roman official Pliny names a feature of Christian worship as "singing alternately a hymn to Christ as to God." But are some of these early Christian hymns preserved for us in the New Testament? Are they right before our eyes? New Testament ...