Showing 2971 - 2980 of 3945 results

  • Proverbs: Learning to Live Wisely, By William Mouser Jr.


    Learning to Live Wisely

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by William Mouser Jr.

    Where do you turn when you need to replace a fuse, cook dinner, eradicate ants, or soothe your child's upset stomach? If you are like many others, you have a shelf full of "how-to" books to supplement your own knowledge and experience. Now it's time to add Proverbs to that shelf! Proverbs is the Bible's own how-to manual. The wisdom contained in its practical and simple instructions will help you ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Building Your Volunteer Team: A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry, By Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman

    Building Your Volunteer Team

    A 30-Day Change Project for Youth Ministry

    by Mark DeVries and Nate Stratman

    Do you find yourself again and again wondering what it would take to get some new volunteers onboard for your ministry? And yet does it seem that you are never able to focus your energy on recruitment? Maybe you find yourself saying things like: "It?s just easier for me to do it myself." At one level, of course, this is true. Almost always, it is easier to "do it ourselves." We avoid the ...

  • To Alter Your World: Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities, By Michael Frost and Christiana Rice

    To Alter Your World

    Partnering with God to Rebirth Our Communities

    by Michael Frost and Christiana Rice

    • 15th Annual Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year - Also Recommended in Church

    In Christ, a new world is being born and the new creation is unfurling all around us. God is directing history toward the future restoration, repair, and renewal of all creation. And our job is to cooperate with God in being a sign and foretaste of that coming world. Renowned missional ...

  • A Handbook for Engaged Couples, By Alice Fryling and Robert A. Fryling

    A Handbook for Engaged Couples

    by Alice Fryling and Robert A. Fryling

    You're engaged! And now you are knee-deep in planning the details of the wedding. But are you also getting ready for what comes after the wedding? Alice and Robert Fryling bring over twenty-five years of marriage experience to this workbook designed to guide you through open and honest communication about the things that will really matter in your marriage:

    • money
    • time
    • communication
    • sex
    • family
    • work
    • faith ...
  • The Pietist Vision of Christian Higher Education: Forming Whole and Holy Persons, Edited byChristopher Gehrz

    The Pietist Vision of Christian Higher Education

    Forming Whole and Holy Persons

    Edited by Christopher Gehrz

    Pietism has long been ignored in evangelical scholarship. This is especially the case in the field of Christian higher education, which is dominated by thinkers in the Reformed tradition and complicated by the association of Pietism with anti-intellectualism. The irony is that Pietism from the beginning "was intimately bound up with education," according to Diarmaid MacCulloch. But until now there ...

  • Eyes to See: Recognizing God's Common Grace in an Unsettled World, By Tim Muehlhoff

    Eyes to See

    Recognizing God's Common Grace in an Unsettled World

    by Tim Muehlhoff
    Foreword by J. P. Moreland

    When we encounter human suffering or personal tragedy, Christians and non-Christians alike utter the same refrain: Where is God? If God exists, then where in the world is he? Why doesn’t he show himself? And how can we tell if God is really working or not?

    Tim Muehlhoff gives us insight into recognizing how God is at work in the world. He unpacks the doctrine of common ...