Outreach magazine honored six IVP titles as part of the thirteenth annual Outreach Resources of the Year. Four books were chosen as "also recommended" titles while The Soul of Shame was honored as the Outreach Resource of the Year in the counseling and relationships category, and Teams That Thrive was the top title in the leadership category.

In The Soul of Shame: Retelling the Stories We Believe About Ourselves psychiatrist Curt Thompson reveals the ubiquitous nature and neurobiological roots of shame. He also provides the theological and practical tools necessary to dismantle shame based on years of researching its damaging effects and counseling people to overcome those wounds. Brad Hoefs, a panelist for the counseling and relationships category, said, "It's a must-read if one wants to be serious about caring pastorally for the Lord's people." The Soul of Shame was also chosen as one of the best books of 2015 by The Gospel Coalition and Hearts & Minds Bookstore.

In Teams That Thrive: Five Disciplines of Collaborative Church Leadership Ryan T. Hartwig and Warren Bird lay out research gathered from churches of various sizes and traditions throughout the United States that have learned to thrive under healthy team leadership. Using actual church examples, they present their discoveries here, culminating in five disciplines that, if implemented, can enable teams to thrive.Tom Bandy, an evaluator for the leadership category, said, "Is it worth the read? I recommend you read the last two chapters first. Their insights into the six ways churches sabotage leadership teams and their eye-opening promise that you can catalyze your team's growth in any context should be motivation enough."

Outreach received 197 submissions for books and curricula that were published between Nov. 1, 2014 and Oct. 31, 2015. They divided the submissions into thirteen categories and narrowed the initial number down to 152 selections that were sent to panelists in each category. Panelists were asked to select one or more Resources of the Year, as well as choose additional titles as "also recommended."

The "also recommended" IVP titles include