Showing 3011 - 3020 of 3247 results

  • Spiritual Disciplines Devotional: A Year of Readings, By Valerie E. Hess

    Spiritual Disciplines Devotional

    A Year of Readings

    by Valerie E. Hess

    Have you been longing to learn more about spiritual disciplines but haven't known where to start? Through brief daily readings and simple ideas on spiritual practices, this book introduces the core disciplines of the Christian faith. Rather than being another burden to an already full schedule, these devotions provide an opportunity to develop holy habits that will lead you into the joyful, rich ...

  • Radiant Church: Restoring the Credibility of Our Witness, By Tara Beth Leach

    Radiant Church

    Restoring the Credibility of Our Witness

    by Tara Beth Leach

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    Something is not right. The witness of the church in North America is eroding. Many Christians are alarmed by the decline in church attendance and seek a culprit. Too often, we point the finger away from the church, make culture the enemy, and build walls between us and others. But our antagonism and enemy-making are ...

  • The Reluctant Witness: Discovering the Delight of Spiritual Conversations, By Don Everts

    The Reluctant Witness

    Discovering the Delight of Spiritual Conversations

    Lutheran Hour Ministries Resources

    by Don Everts

    New research finds that Christians are less involved in spiritual conversations today than we were twenty-five years ago. As society has changed, it seems we have become more uncomfortable talking with people about our faith. We are reluctant conversationalists. The reality is that many of our churches and communities are shrinking instead of growing. What can we do about this? ...

  • What Jesus Intended: Finding True Faith in the Rubble of Bad Religion, By Todd D. Hunter

    What Jesus Intended

    Finding True Faith in the Rubble of Bad Religion

    by Todd D. Hunter
    Foreword by Esau McCaulley

    Have you lost your footing in church? Or has the church lost its footing?

    Many of us feel unsteady, disoriented, even crushed after an endless string of scandals within the walls of a place meant to offer compassion and safety. Others feel forced to draw back or distance ourselves from the church. All the while, our instincts tell us this is not what Jesus wanted for his people. ...

  • A Spirituality of Listening: Living What We Hear, By Keith R. Anderson

    A Spirituality of Listening

    Living What We Hear

    by Keith R. Anderson
    Foreword by Dan B. Allender

    • 2016 IVP Readers' Choice Award

    "Biblical spirituality . . . asserts that God is not done with the business of revelation and creation but instead continues to have something to say and something yet to be accomplished in the very culture that isn't sure if God is done speaking." So begins Keith Anderson as he invites us on a journey to relearn how to listen. "My ...

  • Art & Soul: Signposts for Christians in the Arts, By Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin

    Art & Soul

    Signposts for Christians in the Arts

    by Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin

    More Christians than ever before are studying and working in music, painting, sculpture, theater, television, film, architecture and more. Are you one of them? If so, you, like artists in every discipline, face the challenge of working in a way that is both wholly Christian and wholly contemporary, Hilary Brand and Adrienne Chaplin have written this practical and inspirational guide for you. In ...

  • A Big Gospel in Small Places: Why Ministry in Forgotten Communities Matters, By Stephen Witmer

    A Big Gospel in Small Places

    Why Ministry in Forgotten Communities Matters

    by Stephen Witmer
    Foreword by Raymond C. Ortlund Jr.

    2019 World Magazine Book of the Year Short List

    2019 The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    2019 Send Institute's Top Ten Church Planting Related Books of 2019

    Kevin DeYoung's Top 10 Books of 2019

    Jesus loves small, insignificant places.

    In recent years, Christian ministries have ...

  • The Living Church: Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor, By John Stott

    The Living Church

    Convictions of a Lifelong Pastor

    by John Stott

    At the 150th anniversary of the dedication of his church, John Stott gave voice to his dream for All Souls, London, and all souls everywhere: "I have a dream of

    • . . . a biblical church
    • . . . a worshiping church
    • . . . a caring church
    • . . . a serving church
    • . . . an expectant church

    Reflecting on his ...

  • Bible Matters: Making Sense of Scripture, By Tim Chester

    Bible Matters

    Making Sense of Scripture

    by Tim Chester

    The Bible is God's Word. The Bible teaches us how we should live. The Bible is something we should read every day. The Bible is something we should enjoy reading.

    Most of us agree with these statements. At least in theory. But what's our reality? Sometimes reading the Bible is a delight. But if we’re honest, many times reading the Bible feels like hard work and we read out of ...

  • Participating in Abundant Life: Holistic Salvation for a Secular Age, By Mark R. Teasdale

    Participating in Abundant Life

    Holistic Salvation for a Secular Age

    by Mark R. Teasdale
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch and Mark Nelson

    Our world is hungry for salvation, but we don't always know how to talk about it. Christians agree that God cares about people's lives both in this world and into eternity. But the ways we describe salvation often separate the spiritual from the material. Many groups emphasize one at the expense of the other, limiting the picture of what God has to offer. Mark Teasdale works to ...