Showing 301 - 310 of 2735 results

  • 2479
    product set

    A Week in the Life Series

    Ever wanted a first-century view of the world of the Gospels? In entertaining historical fiction, splashed with informative sidebars and images, the volumes in A Week in the Life Series give us a new view of Jesus' world and Bible-era culture. In these imaginative and entertaining narratives, New Testament scholars lead us behind the veil of centuries to see and experience the ...

  • Looking Up: A Birder's Guide to Hope Through Grief, By Courtney Ellis

    Looking Up

    A Birder's Guide to Hope Through Grief

    by Courtney Ellis
    Foreword by Kay Warren

    "Look at the birds"

    Through the painful days of the pandemic stuck in her home, Courtney Ellis found herself looking down in despair. Soon after, her beloved grandfather died unexpectedly.

    It was around this same time that Ellis took up watching birds. "Took up" might not be exactly right—as she puts it, "the switch flipped," and she’s been borderline obsessed with birds ...

  • Mark, Edited by Brian Chung and Bryan Ye-Chung


    Alabaster Guided Meditations

    Edited by Brian Chung and Bryan Ye-Chung
    Contributions by Tracey Gee

    Come and experience the Scriptures in a fresh and life-giving way.

    "The time promised by God has come at last! . . . The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!" —Mark 1:15

    In this collaboration between Alabaster Co. and IVP, the full text of the Gospel of Mark is presented alongside beautiful full-color photographs and guided meditations ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Luke, Edited by Brian Chung and Bryan Ye-Chung


    Alabaster Guided Meditations

    Edited by Brian Chung and Bryan Ye-Chung
    Contributions by Jan Johnson

    Come and experience the Scriptures in a fresh and life-giving way.

    "Having carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write an accurate account for you, most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth of everything you were taught." —Luke 1:3-4

    In this collaboration between Alabaster Co. and IVP, the full text of the Gospel ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Costly Grace, By Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Dietrich Bonhoeffer

    Costly Grace

    Christian Classics Bible Studies

    by Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    "Only he who believes is obedient, and only he who is obedient believes," wrote Dietrich Bonhoeffer in his classic work, The Cost of Discipleship. What does it mean to be a disciple of Christ? Is it enough to believe? What part does obedience play? These are the questions that Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrestled with for the whole of his life. Sorting through Bonhoeffer's questions and ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Be Not Afraid, By David Ivaska

    Be Not Afraid

    by David Ivaska

    "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 "Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7-10 God offers you his comfort. He promises you his power and strength. But when hard times hit--illness, death, job loss, relationship troubles--it is often hard to remember, ...

  • Looking Below the Surface (2-10 Readers): Mark 14:12-26, By John Stott Looking Below the Surface (2-10 Readers): Mark 14:12-26, By John Stott

    Looking Below the Surface (2-10 Readers)

    Mark 14:12-26

    LifeGuide® Bible Study Single Sessions

    by John Stott

    How would you tell people to remember you after you are gone? Jesus lays out instructions for his remembrance—what we know as communion—to his disciples during his last quiet night with them before his death. This single session is taken from John Stott's LifeGuide Bible Study The Cross. Features the inductive Bible study method, a workbook format, leader's notes and license to print ...

    Number of Studies: 1

  • Is Christianity the White Man's Religion?: How the Bible Is Good News for People of Color, By Antipas L. Harris

    Is Christianity the White Man's Religion?

    How the Bible Is Good News for People of Color

    by Antipas L. Harris

    Among many young people of color, there is a growing wariness about organized religion and Christianity in particular. If Christianity is for everyone, why does the Bible seem to endorse slavery? Why do most popular images of Jesus feature a man with white skin and blue eyes? Is evangelical Christianity "good news" or a tool of white supremacy? As our society increases in ethnic ...