Showing 311 - 320 of 3340 results

  • The Decalogue: Living as the People of God, By David L. Baker

    The Decalogue

    Living as the People of God

    by David L. Baker

    • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award 2017

    The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, have long been a pillar of Western law and culture. In more recent times they have been a point of controversy in the public square. But on closer scrutiny the commandments are particularly addressed to the people of God. In the exodus narrative, ...

  • Engaging with God: A Biblical Theology of Worship, By David G. Peterson

    Engaging with God

    A Biblical Theology of Worship

    by David G. Peterson
    Foreword by I. Howard Marshall

    Worship is of immense concern in the church and ironically the source of controversy and dispute. Can we get behind the question of what style of worship we should engage in to understand the bedrock foundation for God's people--honoring him as he desires? Is the dissatisfaction with worship voiced by so many perhaps a result of our having wandered from biblical teaching on the subject? Through ...

  • The Lost World of Scripture: Ancient Literary Culture and Biblical Authority, By John H. Walton and Brent Sandy

    The Lost World of Scripture

    Ancient Literary Culture and Biblical Authority

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton and Brent Sandy

    Readers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention

    Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference

    From John H. Walton, author of the bestselling Lost World of Genesis One, and D. Brent Sandy, author of Plowshares and Pruning Hooks, comes a detailed look at the origins of scriptural authority in ancient oral cultures and how ...

  • Jesus: Lord & Savior, By F. F. Bruce

    Jesus: Lord & Savior

    The Jesus Library

    by F. F. Bruce

    F. F. Bruce re-examines the biblical evidence for who Jesus was, what his ministry was like and how he related to his disciples and other Jews. In fascinating detail he also considers Jesus' last meals, his arrests and trial, and his resurrection. Throughout the book Bruce looks at the implications for us in recognizing Jesus as Son of God, the incarnate Word, our Lord and Savior. We find him ...

  • Saving the Bible from Ourselves: Learning to Read and Live the Bible Well, By Glenn R. Paauw

    Saving the Bible from Ourselves

    Learning to Read and Live the Bible Well

    by Glenn R. Paauw

    • ECPA 2017 Christian Book Award Finalist

    Does the Bible need to be saved? Over the course of the centuries, Bible scholars and publishers have increasingly added "helps"—chapter divisions, verses, subheads, notes—to the Bible in an effort to make it easier to study and understand. In the process, however, these have led to sampling Scripture rather than reading ...

  • Drama Team Handbook, By Alison Siewert and others

    Drama Team Handbook

    by Alison Siewert and others

    Drama has power. It can awaken us. Make us curious. Reveal our inner desires and passions. Remind us of our foolishness. Drama has power in worship. It can snap us out of our Sunday morning (or Saturday night) trance. It can draw us into the story of Scripture. It can help us see our sin. It can motivate us to change. But drama can also be dull, predictable, guilt-inducing and just plain ...

  • Reading While Black: African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope, By Esau McCaulley

    Reading While Black

    African American Biblical Interpretation as an Exercise in Hope

    by Esau McCaulley

    Outreach Resources of the Year, Christianity Today Book Award, The Gospel Coalition Book Award

    Biblical Interpretation from the Black Church Tradition

    Growing up in the American South, Esau McCaulley knew firsthand the ongoing struggle between despair and hope that marks the lives of some in the African American context. ...

  • The Hermeneutical Spiral: A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation, By Grant R. Osborne

    The Hermeneutical Spiral

    A Comprehensive Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

    by Grant R. Osborne

    Christianity Today Critics' Choice Award

    In this newly revised and expanded edition, Grant Osborne provides seminary students and working pastors with the full set of tools they need to move from sound exegesis to the development of biblical and systematic theologies and to the preparation of sound, biblical sermons.

    Osborne contends that hermeneutics is a spiral ...

  • Postmortem Opportunity: A Biblical and Theological Assessment of Salvation After Death, By James Beilby

    Postmortem Opportunity

    A Biblical and Theological Assessment of Salvation After Death

    by James Beilby

    One of Jesus' most basic commands to his disciples was to tell the world about the good news of his life, death, and resurrection. From the earliest days of the church, Christians have embraced this calling.

    But for those Christians who emphasize the need for an active response to the gospel in order to be saved, this raises some difficult questions: What about those who did ...

  • A Future for the Latino Church: Models for Multilingual, Multigenerational Hispanic Congregations, By Daniel A. Rodriguez

    A Future for the Latino Church

    Models for Multilingual, Multigenerational Hispanic Congregations

    by Daniel A. Rodriguez
    Foreword by Manuel Ortiz

    Many assume that Hispanic ministry in North America still necessarily focuses on Spanish-language congregations. But over 60 percent of all American Latinos were born in the United States and are now English dominant. Daniel Rodriguez argues that effective Latino ministry and church planting are now centered in second-generation, English-dominant leadership and congregations. Based on his observation ...