Showing 321 - 330 of 2020 results

  • The Artistic Sphere: The Arts in Neo-Calvinist Perspective, Edited by Roger D. Henderson and Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker

    The Artistic Sphere

    The Arts in Neo-Calvinist Perspective

    Edited by Roger D. Henderson and Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker

    While some Christians have embraced the relationship between faith and the arts, the Reformed tradition tends to harbor reservations about the arts.

    However, among Reformed churches, the Neo-Calvinist tradition—as represented in the work of Abraham Kuyper, Herman Dooyeweerd, Hans Rookmaaker, and others—has consistently demonstrated not just a willingness but a desire to engage ...

  • The Story Retold: A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament, By G. K. Beale and Benjamin L. Gladd

    The Story Retold

    A Biblical-Theological Introduction to the New Testament

    by G. K. Beale and Benjamin L. Gladd

    Christian Book Award® program

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    New Testament introductions fall into two categories: those that emphasize the history behind the text through discussions of authorship, dating, and audience, and those that explore the content of the text itself. Few introductions weave the Old Testament into their discussions, ...

  • Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith: Reading God's Word for God's People, By Todd R. Hains

    Martin Luther and the Rule of Faith

    Reading God's Word for God's People

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Todd R. Hains
    Foreword by Robert Kolb

    Martin Luther considered the reading of God's word to be his primary task as a theologian, a pastor, and a Christian. Though he is often portrayed as reading the Bible with a bare approach of sola Scriptura—without any concern for previous generations’ interpretation—the truth is more complicated.

    In this New Explorations in Theology (NET) volume, Reformation scholar Todd ...

  • The Challenge of Jesus: Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is, By N. T. Wright

    The Challenge of Jesus

    Rediscovering Who Jesus Was and Is

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by N. T. Wright

    In the midst of many well-publicized and controversial books on Jesus, N. T. Wright's lectures and writings have been widely recognized for providing a fresh, provocative, and credible portrait. Originally published in 1999 and with a new introduction in 2015, The Challenge of Jesus presents an accessible introduction to the "quest for the historical Jesus" and why it matters ...

  • New Dictionary of Christian Ethics & Pastoral Theology, Edited by David J. Atkinson and David F. Field and Arthur F. Holmes and Oliver O'Donovan New Dictionary of Christian Ethics & Pastoral Theology, Edited by David J. Atkinson and David F. Field and Arthur F. Holmes and Oliver O'Donovan

    New Dictionary of Christian Ethics & Pastoral Theology

    Edited by David J. Atkinson, David F. Field, Arthur F. Holmes, and Oliver O'Donovan

    • One of Christianity Today's 1996 Books of the Year

    Especially in today's complicated world, moral practice and decision-making raise many hard questions. Dealing with those questions often requires wide-ranging understanding—in areas such as systematic and practical theology, psychology, economics, sociology and philosophy. For the first time, the New ...

  • Women, Ministry and the Gospel: Exploring New Paradigms, Edited byMark Husbands and Timothy Larsen

    Women, Ministry and the Gospel

    Exploring New Paradigms

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Mark Husbands and Timothy Larsen

    This outstanding collection of essays, presented at the 2005 Wheaton Theology Conference, explores the current issue of women in ministry from biblical, theological and ecclesiological perspectives. Bringing to bear the ministerial and sociological insights on the issue, this impressive integrative work aims to break through the current impasse between complementarians and egalitarians. These essays ...

  • Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace, By James B. Torrance

    Worship, Community and the Triune God of Grace

    by James B. Torrance

    Here is a book that sets our worship, sacraments, communion and language of God back on track. In a day when refinement of method and quality of experience are the guiding lights for many Christians, James Torrance points us to the indispensable who of worship, the triune God of grace. Worship is the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son's communion with the Father, ...

  • The Other Side of the Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope, By Munther Isaac

    The Other Side of the Wall

    A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope

    by Munther Isaac

    A Palestinian Pastor's Invitation to Lament and Hope

    Christians have lived in Palestine since the earliest days of the Jesus movement. The Palestinian church predates Islam. Yet Palestinian Christians find themselves marginalized and ostracized. In the heated tensions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the voices of Palestinian Christians are often unheard and ignored.

    This ...

  • Rethinking the Trinity and Religious Pluralism: An Augustinian Assessment, By Keith E. Johnson

    Rethinking the Trinity and Religious Pluralism

    An Augustinian Assessment

    by Keith E. Johnson

    Increased interest in the doctrine of the Trinity has led to its use in formulating new, pluralistic approaches to the theology of religions. But theologian Keith Johnson is convinced that many of these forays are not salutary for Christian faith.Here Johnson critically engages the diverse proposals of Mark Heim, Amos Yong, Jacques Dupuis and Raimundo Panikkar. Johnson grounds his evaluation in ...

  • Jesus Christ: Savior and Lord, By Donald G. Bloesch

    Jesus Christ

    Savior and Lord

    Christian Foundations

    by Donald G. Bloesch

    Voted one of Christianity Today's 1998 Books of the Year

    With his customary encyclopedic reach and epigrammatic style, Donald Bloesch turns his attention to the hotly disputed, yet absolutely crucial, subject of the person and work of Jesus Christ. He brings a much-needed clarity to the current christological debate, which, as Hans Küng noted, "has persisted since ...