Showing 3301 - 3310 of 3823 results

  • : Tough Questions, Direct Answers, By Dale Hanson Bourke

    Tough Questions, Direct Answers

    by Dale Hanson Bourke

    With all of the heat surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, even the most basic facts can be hard to grasp. How do we make sense of what we read in the Bible—and what we read in the news? In this Skeptic?s Guide?, Dale Hanson Bourke sheds light on the places, terms, history, and current issues shaping this important region. Offering an even-handed presentation of a range of views on ...

  • Community: Living as the People of God, By Scott Nelson


    Living as the People of God

    Forge Guides for Missional Conversation

    by Scott Nelson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    The mission of God has a church. So the church needs to be in sync with the mission of God. This is the guiding philosophy of the Forge Missions Training Network, which has helped church leaders and laypeople alike all over the world to reach their neighbors, their neighborhoods and their communities with the gospel. In these guides you and your friends will be equipped to be missionaries where ...

  • Forgiveness, By Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III


    by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III

    What happens when you fail your spouse? How does forgiveness work in marriage? Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this inductive Bible study guide to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. Through six study sessions for individuals, couples or groups, they encourage you to examine dynamics of conflict and forgiveness that can keep your marriage strong. Intimate ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Equal to the Task: Men and Women in Partnership, By Ruth Haley Barton

    Equal to the Task

    Men and Women in Partnership

    by Ruth Haley Barton

    Would you like to

    • discover how to break through gender barriers at the office?
    • learn how to work through conflicts on ministry teams?
    • have a healthy friendship with a man or woman who is not your spouse?
    • better understand the relationship between sexuality and spirituality?
    • move beyond stereotyping to godly partnerships?

    God has created male and ...

  • Sexual Intimacy, By Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III

    Sexual Intimacy

    by Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III

    What does God say about sex in marriage? How can you overcome cultural myths and personal "baggage" about sexuality? Dan B. Allender and Tremper Longman III have together written this inductive Bible study guide to help couples build healthy and happy marriages. Through six study sessions for individuals, couples or groups, they lead you to discuss with your spouse healthy ways of expressing sexuality ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Spiritual Equipping for Mission: Thriving as God's Message Bearers, By Ryan Shaw

    Spiritual Equipping for Mission

    Thriving as God's Message Bearers

    by Ryan Shaw
    Foreword by Tom Lin

    God calls his people to mission. But the demands of crosscultural ministry can be overwhelming and draining, leading to discouragement and burnout. All of our strategies and methodologies for reaching others are useless if we are incapable of living the holy, faithful lives God intends for us. Yet God does not leave us on our own. The Holy Spirit equips us to succeed and thrive spiritually in preparation ...

  • Structured for Mission: Renewing the Culture of the Church, By Alan J. Roxburgh

    Structured for Mission

    Renewing the Culture of the Church

    by Alan J. Roxburgh

    The church is living in a time of massive, unprecedented change. Traditional institutions and structures are unraveling in response to rapid social, demographic and economic developments. The existing ways of being the church are no longer meaningful to many. How should the church respond? Many seek to address this situation by tweaking the established institutions, finding new structures, reorganizing ...

  • Give Them Christ: Preaching His Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and Return, By Stephen Seamands

    Give Them Christ

    Preaching His Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and Return

    by Stephen Seamands

    Much preaching today begins with the hearer's "felt needs" and then moves to how Christianity can solve those problems. But this approach often results in trite Christologies that merely use Jesus as a means to an end or a vehicle for self-improvement. While preachers might not dispense with Christ altogether, other things subtly take center stage and become more important than Christ himself. ...

  • Breaking Old Rhythms: Answering the Call of a Creative God, By Amena Brown

    Breaking Old Rhythms

    Answering the Call of a Creative God

    by Amena Brown
    Foreword by Dan Kimball

    "When two fighters of equal ability and speed are matched . . . there is a greater advantage to the one who knows how to break the rhythm." -Bruce Lee Rhythm is a blessing. By rhythm we dance, sing, clap, walk and breathe. Beyond the blessing is the Giver of Rhythm, who sometimes calls us past the patterns and habits we have established for ourselves into new understanding, new risk, new faith, ...

  • Remember Me: A Novella about Finding Our Way to the Cross, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    Remember Me

    A Novella about Finding Our Way to the Cross

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    "'It is finished,' Jesus says. It's a bold declaration for us to make too. What does it mean to say 'It is finished' when so much is unfinished? It means we are people who live hope in two directions, both backward and forward. We long for the kingdom to come in fullness, even as it has already come. And we trust that the One who has begun the good work in us and for us will indeed ...