Showing 331 - 340 of 2020 results

  • The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate, By John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III

    The Lost World of the Flood

    Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton and Tremper Longman III
    Contributions by Stephen O. Moshier

    "The flood continued forty days on the earth; and the waters increased, and bore up the ark, and it rose high above the earth . . . and the ark floated on the face of the waters" (Gen 6:17-18 NRSV).

    In modern times the Genesis flood account has been probed and analyzed for answers to scientific, apologetic, and historical questions. It is a text that has called forth "flood geology," fueled ...

  • 2750
    product set

    Christian Foundations

    by Donald G. Bloesch

    Donald G. Bloesch's seven-volume series is a comprehensive, systematic theology for the twenty-first century. Bloesch contributes significantly to late modern evangelical theology, exploring what an ancient faith has to say to perplexing new times. Christian Foundations will be of great help to all who want to hold to orthodoxy and honestly engage contemporary thought.

  • Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God: A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability, By Craig A. Hefner

    Kierkegaard and the Changelessness of God

    A Modern Defense of Classical Immutability

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Craig A. Hefner
    Foreword by Daniel J. Treier

    Danish theologian and philosopher Søren Kierkegaard was not afraid to express his opinions. Living amid what he perceived to be a culturally lukewarm Christianity, he was often critical of his contemporary church.

    But that does not mean Kierkegaard rejected traditional Christian theology. Indeed, at a time when many of his contemporaries were questioning the classical doctrine ...

  • The Matrix of Christian Ethics: Integrating Philosophy and Moral Theology in a Postmodern Context, By Patrick Nullens and Ronald T. Michener

    The Matrix of Christian Ethics

    Integrating Philosophy and Moral Theology in a Postmodern Context

    by Patrick Nullens and Ronald T. Michener

    In today's world, many Christians don't know how to live ethically, let alone know what ethics is. Christian ethics probes our deepest sensibilities as humans and how we seek the good for others as well as for ourselves as followers of Christ. This book begins to delve into this relevant and contemporary subject through methodological reflection on the commands, purposes, values, and virtues of ...

  • Truth Decay: Defending Christianity Against the Challenges of Postmodernism, By Douglas Groothuis

    Truth Decay

    Defending Christianity Against the Challenges of Postmodernism

    by Douglas Groothuis

    • A 2001 Christianity Today Award of Merit winner

    The concept of truth as absolute, objective and universal has undergone serious deterioration in recent years. No longer is it a goal for all to pursue. Rather postmodernism sees truth as inseparable from culture, psychology, race and gender. Ultimately, truth is what we make it to be.

    What factors ...

  • The Mestizo Augustine: A Theologian Between Two Cultures, By Justo L. González

    The Mestizo Augustine

    A Theologian Between Two Cultures

    by Justo L. González

    Few thinkers have been as influential as Augustine of Hippo. His writings, such as Confessions and City of God, have left an indelible mark on Western Christianity. He has become so synonymous with Christianity in the West that we easily forget he was a man of two cultures: African and Greco-Roman. The mixture of African Christianity and Greco-Roman rhetoric and philosophy gave ...

  • The Minor Prophets: A Theological Introduction, By Craig G. Bartholomew and Heath A. Thomas

    The Minor Prophets

    A Theological Introduction

    by Craig G. Bartholomew and Heath A. Thomas

    The good news from the Minor Prophets is that, even in dire times, God speaks.

    While the Minor Prophets are among the most succinct books of the Old Testament, their theological richness has much to offer us today. And not only did they have something to say to their original audience, but God continues to speak through their words in ways that are of utmost importance for ...

  • Creating the Canon: Composition, Controversy, and the Authority of the New Testament, By Benjamin P. Laird

    Creating the Canon

    Composition, Controversy, and the Authority of the New Testament

    by Benjamin P. Laird

    Despite the profound influence of the New Testament, a variety of questions related to its background and history remain common. Contemporary readers often find the subject of the canon’s origin and formation to be complicated and confusing, while scholars continue to struggle to find agreement about basic elements of the canon’s development. In this engaging study, Benjamin P. Laird explores several ...

  • The Holy Spirit in the New Testament: A Pentecostal Guide, By William A. Simmons

    The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

    A Pentecostal Guide

    by William A. Simmons

    In the early church, miraculous workings of the Holy Spirit were normal and normative. Today an ever-increasing number of Christians worldwide self-identify as Pentecostal or charismatic. William A. Simmons argues that this means the church needs a Spirit-centered interpretation of Scripture informed by a Pentecostal lens.

    In The Holy Spirit in the New Testament, ...