Showing 341 - 350 of 1316 results

  • The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World: Christian Nonviolence for Communal Flourishing, Edited by Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves

    The Gospel of Peace in a Violent World

    Christian Nonviolence for Communal Flourishing

    Edited by Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves

    "Blessed are the peacemakers."

    The gospel of Jesus Christ is the good news of peace: peace between God and humanity, peace among humans. And yet it can be difficult to see that peace in our broken, violent world.

    In this volume, Shawn Graves and Marlena Graves have gathered contributions from theologians, pastors, and practitioners on the importance and implementation ...

  • Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric?: Wrestling with Troubling War Texts, By William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste

    Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric?

    Wrestling with Troubling War Texts

    by William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste

    Word Guild Award Shortlist — Biblical Studies
    Word Guild Best Book Cover Award
    Association of University Presses Design Show — Book, Jacket, and Covers

    Christians cannot ignore the intersection of religion and violence, whether contemporary or ancient. In our own Scriptures, war texts that appear to approve of genocidal killings and war rape—forcibly ...

  • Live the Questions: How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments, By Jeffrey F. Keuss

    Live the Questions

    How Searching Shapes Our Convictions and Commitments

    by Jeffrey F. Keuss

    "Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer." —Rainer Maria Rilke Life is full of questions: questions about our identity, our relationships, our faith. Sometimes it seems like there are no easy answers. But our questioning can lead us on a journey into greater understanding and purpose. Jeffrey Keuss ...

  • Mark, Edited by Brian Chung and Bryan Ye-Chung


    Alabaster Guided Meditations

    Edited by Brian Chung and Bryan Ye-Chung
    Contributions by Tracey Gee

    Come and experience the Scriptures in a fresh and life-giving way.

    "The time promised by God has come at last! . . . The Kingdom of God is near! Repent of your sins and believe the Good News!" —Mark 1:15

    In this collaboration between Alabaster Co. and IVP, the full text of the Gospel of Mark is presented alongside beautiful full-color photographs and guided meditations ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Simplicity, By Mindy Caliguire


    Soul Care Resources

    by Mindy Caliguire

    Our closets, our garages, our cupboards, our lives are--let's face it--cluttered. Stuff is everywhere: old yearbooks, projects we started years ago but never finished, commitments to activities that we now regret making but don't feel we can pull out of. Are you longing for space--for simplicity? Here is a book to bring you there. Soul Care® Resources are designed to be simple, but not ...

  • How to Understand Your Bible, By T. Norton Sterrett and Richard L. Schultz

    How to Understand Your Bible

    by T. Norton Sterrett and Richard L. Schultz

    Have you ever felt like you can't make sense out of the Bible but wished you could? Then this book is for you. Starting from scratch, Norton Sterrett presents the general rules for reading the Bible's ordinary language and moves on to specific principles that apply to special types of language such as parables, figures of speech, Hebrew poetry and symbols. Richard Schultz has updated T. Norton ...

  • How to Read Genesis, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read Genesis

    How to Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    Preaching Magazine's Year's Best Book for Preachers

    Creation in six days

    Woman from the side of man

    "Sons of god" taking "daughters of men"

    A massive disaster and an animal rescue boat of biblical proportions

    Abraham, Sarah, Hagar and the ongoing saga of a dysfunctional family

    These are just a few of the episodes that Genesis conjures ...

  • Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most, By Mark Scandrette


    Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most

    by Mark Scandrette
    With Lisa Scandrette
    Foreword by Richard Rohr

    If you already own a copy of Free, use the password found on page 223 in the Group Learning Guide to access eight supplementary videos. Why does chasing the good life make us feel so bad? We dream big and spend our money and time chasing our dreams—only to find ourselves exhausted, deeply in debt and spiritually empty. Mark and Lisa Scandrette realized at the beginning ...

  • Christianity Today has released the winners of its 2020 Book Awards, and InterVarsity Press is pleased to announce that it received top honors in four categories and Awards of Merit in three others. These titles are among the thirty-two that Christianity Today has chosen as books that are most likely to shape evangelical life, thought, and culture.

  • The Messianic Vision of the Pentateuch, By Kevin S. Chen

    The Messianic Vision of the Pentateuch

    by Kevin S. Chen

    Did Moses write about Jesus? Jesus himself made this bold claim (recorded in John 5:46). Yet while most readers of the Bible today recognize a few Messianic prophecies in the Pentateuch, they don't often see them as part of its central message. In The Messianic Vision of the Pentateuch, Kevin Chen challenges the common view of the Pentateuch as focused primarily on the ...