Showing 31 - 40 of 265 results

  • Business as Mission: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice, By C. Neal Johnson Business as Mission: A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice, By C. Neal Johnson

    Business as Mission

    A Comprehensive Guide to Theory and Practice

    by C. Neal Johnson
    Foreword by Steven Rundle

    Business as mission (BAM) is a mission strategy whose time has come. As global economics become increasingly interconnected, Christian business people and entrepreneurs have unanticipated opportunities to build kingdom-strategic business ventures. But Christian companies and business leaders do not automatically accomplish missional purposes. BAM requires mastery of both the world of business and ...

  • Just Business: Christian Ethics for the Marketplace, By Alec Hill Just Business: Christian Ethics for the Marketplace, By Alec Hill

    Just Business

    Christian Ethics for the Marketplace

    by Alec Hill

    When the daily business news breaks away from stories of profit and loss, it often shines a spotlight on ethical failures. But Christians aim to be ethical in all the areas of daily life and work—not just when the spotlight is on them. For those facing the many questions and quandaries of doing business with ethical integrity, Alec Hill offers a place to begin. In this third edition of a popular ...

  • Starting Something New: Spiritual Direction for Your God-Given Dream, By Beth A. Booram

    Starting Something New

    Spiritual Direction for Your God-Given Dream

    by Beth A. Booram

    Do you have a dream? Do you have a creative idea stirring within you to do something different or start something new? If so, you're not alone. Many people have God-given dreams but don?t know how to discern what they are and develop them into something real. Most of these dreamers aren't business people or experienced entrepreneurs. They're just sincere Christ-followers who need a spiritual and ...

  • Charting the Course: Values for Navigating Life in the Marketplace, By Bruce D. Howard

    Charting the Course

    Values for Navigating Life in the Marketplace

    by Bruce D. Howard

    Why is it that the same economic forces that produce good things for us like penicillin and housing are just as effective at bringing us things like pornography and heroin? How can the same systems of production generate such a wide array of good and bad outcomes? Markets are morally neutral. But people are not. Markets recognize no moral difference between good and evil. Markets don't inherently ...

  • Agents of Flourishing: Pursuing Shalom in Every Corner of Society, By Amy L. Sherman

    Agents of Flourishing

    Pursuing Shalom in Every Corner of Society

    Made to Flourish Resources

    by Amy L. Sherman

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    God calls Christians to participate in his redemptive mission in every sphere of life. Every corner, every square inch of society can flourish as God intends, and Christians of any vocation can become agents of that flourishing. Amy Sherman offers a multifaceted, biblically grounded framework for enacting God's call to seek the ...

  • Mythical Me: Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison, By Richella Parham

    Mythical Me

    Finding Freedom from Constant Comparison

    by Richella Parham

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Do you ever find yourself stuck in the comparison trap?

    Speaker and author Richella Parham knows what this feels like. "I couldn't break free from admiring one person's achievements, someone else's personality, another's skills, yet another's relationships. And don't get me started on how I looked at other people's appearances," ...

  • Analog Christian: Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age, By Jay Y. Kim

    Analog Christian

    Cultivating Contentment, Resilience, and Wisdom in the Digital Age

    by Jay Y. Kim
    Foreword by Dan Kimball

    The Gospel Coaltion Award of Distinction—Christian Living

    Outreach Resource of the Year

    The digital age is in the business of commodifying our attention. The technologies of our day are determined to keep us scrolling and swiping at all costs, plugged into a feedback loop of impatience, comparison, outrage, and contempt. Blind to the ...