Showing 31 - 40 of 517 results

  • Evil and the Justice of God (with DVD), By N. T. Wright

    Evil and the Justice of God (with DVD)

    by N. T. Wright

    • Merit Award, 2007 Christianity Today Theology/Ethics Book

    With every earthquake and war, understanding the nature of evil and our response to it becomes more urgent. Evil is no longer the concern just of ministers and theologians but also of politicians and the media. We hear of child abuse, ethnic cleansing, AIDS, torture and terrorism, and rightfully we are ...

  • Faithful Antiracism: Moving Past Talk to Systemic Change, By Christina Barland Edmondson and Chad Brennan

    Faithful Antiracism

    Moving Past Talk to Systemic Change

    by Christina Barland Edmondson and Chad Brennan
    Foreword by Korie Little Edwards and Michael O. Emerson

    Reader's Choice Award Winner

    It's time to move past talk. It's no longer news to most of us that our society has a deep-seated racism problem. Christians of all ethnic and economic backgrounds are tired of seeing the ugly legacy of racism play out before their eyes and feeling ill-equipped to respond. They watch as friends and family members leave the visible ...

  • The Dangerous Act of Worship: Living God's Call to Justice, By Mark Labberton

    The Dangerous Act of Worship

    Living God's Call to Justice

    by Mark Labberton
    Foreword by John Ortberg

    What's at stake in our worship? Everything. Worship is the dangerous act of waking up to God and God's purposes in the world. But something has gone wrong with our worship. Too often worship has become a place of safety and complacency, a narrowly private experience in which solitary individuals only express their personal adoration. Even when we gather corporately, we often close our eyes to those ...

  • Just Courage: God's Great Expedition for the Restless Christian, By Gary A. Haugen

    Just Courage

    God's Great Expedition for the Restless Christian

    by Gary A. Haugen

    "There must be more to the Christian life than this—more than church each Sunday and waving to my neighbors and giving some clothes to Goodwill when I go through my closet each spring." These aren't bad things, of course. But they're safe and comfortable and easy. And there's a reason they're not satisfying your desire for something more significant and meaningful—we're created by God ...

  • Economic Justice in a Flat World: Christian Perspectives on Globalization, Edited by Steven Rundle

    Economic Justice in a Flat World

    Christian Perspectives on Globalization

    Edited by Steven Rundle

    Globalization may be the most hotly debated issue surrounding poverty. The benefits and costs of global economic integration are critical and complex.

    • Is a globalized, free-market economy part of the solution to economic injustice or part of the problem?
    • Are the international monetary systems pursuing policies that will reduce poverty or are they serving the interests of the wealthy?
    • What ...
  • Deepening the Soul for Justice, By Bethany H. Hoang

    Deepening the Soul for Justice

    Urbana Onward

    by Bethany H. Hoang

    The challenges of global injustice can be overwhelming. The pain is real; the violence dark. Many well-intentioned Christians get burned out. What can you do to stay in the game? Bethany Hoang, director of International Justice Mission's IJM Institute, has seen firsthand how spiritual formation can fuel our response to God's call to justice--from the inside out. Hoang shares spiritual practices ...

  • Faith-Rooted Organizing: Mobilizing the Church in Service to the World, By Rev. Alexia Salvatierra and Peter Heltzel

    Faith-Rooted Organizing

    Mobilizing the Church in Service to the World

    by Rev. Alexia Salvatierra and Peter Heltzel

    With so many injustices, small and great, across the world and right at our doorstep, what are people of faith to do? Since the 1930s, organizing movements for social justice in the U.S. have largely been built on assumptions that are secular origin—such as reliance on self-interest and having a common enemy as a motivator for change. But what if Christians were to shape their organizing around ...

  • Raise Your Voice: Why We Stay Silent and How to Speak Up, By Kathy Khang

    Raise Your Voice

    Why We Stay Silent and How to Speak Up

    by Kathy Khang

    You have a voice. And you have God's permission to use it. In some communities, certain voices are amplified and elevated while others are erased and suppressed. It can be hard to speak up, especially in the ugliness of social media. Power dynamics keep us silent and marginalized, especially when race, ethnicity, and gender are factors. What can we do about it? Activist Kathy Khang roots our voice ...

  • From Burned Out to Beloved: Soul Care for Wounded Healers, By Bethany Dearborn Hiser

    From Burned Out to Beloved

    Soul Care for Wounded Healers

    by Bethany Dearborn Hiser

    As a social worker, jail chaplain, and justice advocate, Bethany Dearborn Hiser pushed herself to the brink of burnout—and then kept going. Stress, despair, and compassion fatigue overwhelmed her ability to function. She was called to serve the abused, addicted, and homeless people in her community. Yet she was emotionally and spiritually exhausted. Something needed to change.

    Searching ...

  • Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times, By Soong-Chan Rah

    Prophetic Lament

    A Call for Justice in Troubled Times

    by Soong-Chan Rah
    Foreword by Brenda Salter McNeil

    Missio Alliance Essential Reading List
    Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books
    RELEVANT's Top 10 Books
    Englewood Review of Books Best Books

    When Soong-Chan Rah planted an urban church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, his first full sermon series was a six-week exposition of the book of Lamentations. Preaching on an obscure, depressing Old Testament book ...