Showing 441 - 450 of 773 results

  • Sex and Dating: Questions You Wish You Had Answers To, By Mindy Meier

    Sex and Dating

    Questions You Wish You Had Answers To

    by Mindy Meier

    Just the FAQs! "Are we friends or are we dating? How can I tell?" "I'm addicted to male attention. How can I break free?" "I've been sexually abused. Will that affect my ability to have a good sex life?" "What's so bad about having friends with benefits?" "I've been hurt before. How can I ever trust anyone again?" Real people. Honest questions. In this complicated age of hooking up and uncertain ...

  • Abundant Simplicity: Discovering the Unhurried Rhythms of Grace, By Jan Johnson

    Abundant Simplicity

    Discovering the Unhurried Rhythms of Grace

    by Jan Johnson

    Which activities give you energy and connect you with God? Do you know what behaviors are life-draining for you, separating you from God? Simplicity is about choosing the engaging, relational life we were meant to live. It means shedding obligation and pretension. It means spending

    • time
    • energy
    • money

    in ways that help us become clear-headed. It means being ...

  • God and Evil: The Case for God in a World Filled with Pain, Edited by Chad Meister and James K. Dew Jr.

    God and Evil

    The Case for God in a World Filled with Pain

    Edited by Chad Meister and James K. Dew Jr.

    The question of evil—its origins, its justification, its solution—has plagued humankind from the beginning. Every generation raises the question and struggles with the responses it is given. Questions about the nature of evil and how it is reconciled with the truth claims of Christianity are unavoidable; we need to be prepared to respond to such questions with great clarity and good faith. God ...

  • Parables: The Greatest Stories Ever Told, By John White


    The Greatest Stories Ever Told

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by John White

    We all love a good story. But the parables of Jesus are even better than that. They sneak up on us, catching us off guard and toppling our easy assumptions. When the familiar takes an unexpected twist, we find our secret thoughts exposed to the healing light of Jesus. This twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study introduces twelve of the greatest stories ever told; how might they change ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Embracing the Body: Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone, By Tara M. Owens

    Embracing the Body

    Finding God in Our Flesh and Bone

    by Tara M. Owens

    • Foreword Reviews' 18th Annual INDIEFAB Book of the Year for Body, Mind and Spirit
    • 2015 Readers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention

    Our bodies teach us about God, and God communicates to us through our bodies. Our bodies are more good than we can possibly imagine them to be. And yet at times we may struggle with feelings of shame and guilt ...

  • Postmortem Opportunity: A Biblical and Theological Assessment of Salvation After Death, By James Beilby

    Postmortem Opportunity

    A Biblical and Theological Assessment of Salvation After Death

    by James Beilby

    One of Jesus' most basic commands to his disciples was to tell the world about the good news of his life, death, and resurrection. From the earliest days of the church, Christians have embraced this calling.

    But for those Christians who emphasize the need for an active response to the gospel in order to be saved, this raises some difficult questions: What about those who did ...

  • Hopecasting: Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen, By Mark Oestreicher


    Finding, Keeping and Sharing the Things Unseen

    by Mark Oestreicher
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    Why are some people full of hope, while many of us struggle to get past the snooze alarm? Hope often seems elusive—both to explain and to experience. So we find ourselves instead clinging to lesser substitutes. From self-medication to lazy clichés, we apply these balms to our pain and experience little to no comfort. But we know, in our guts, that these replacements aren?t the hope-filled lives ...