Showing 471 - 480 of 1444 results

  • Freeing Congregational Mission: A Practical Vision for Companionship, Cultural Humility, and Co-Development, By B. Hunter Farrell

    Freeing Congregational Mission

    A Practical Vision for Companionship, Cultural Humility, and Co-Development

    by B. Hunter Farrell
    With S. Balajiedlang Khyllep

    There is a deepening crisis in mission as practiced by North American congregations. Many mission activities are more effective at satisfying church members than making a lasting difference, producing what's too often consumer-oriented "selfie mission." Too much effort is based on colonial-era assumptions of mission launched from a position of power. These practices are not just ...

  • Head, Heart and Hands: Bringing Together Christian Thought, Passion and Action, By Dennis P. Hollinger

    Head, Heart and Hands

    Bringing Together Christian Thought, Passion and Action

    by Dennis P. Hollinger

    As Christians, we are to love God with all of our being--heart, mind, soul and strength. But many of us tend to overemphasize one aspect or another, and as a result, our faith becomes imbalanced. Some of us have an intellectual faith but lack compassion or spiritual discipline. Others of us have a vibrant, heartfelt relationship with God but lack commitment to truth or doctrine. And many of us ...

  • Death Before the Fall: Biblical Literalism and the Problem of Animal Suffering, By Ronald E. Osborn

    Death Before the Fall

    Biblical Literalism and the Problem of Animal Suffering

    by Ronald E. Osborn
    Foreword by John H. Walton

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    Did animals have predatory natures before the fall? Did God punish innocent animals with a curse because of human sin? Is it possible for theistic evolution to be compatible with the Bible, even though animal death before the fall would contradict the teaching that death began after the first sin?

    In this eloquent and provocative "open ...

  • The Ecology of the New Testament: Creation, Re-Creation, and the Environment, By Mark Bredin

    The Ecology of the New Testament

    Creation, Re-Creation, and the Environment

    by Mark Bredin
    Foreword by Richard Bauckham

    God is the Creator of all and cares deeply for all that he has made. His vision for creation is seen through a world teeming with life where eternity is breathed into and through all creation. Jesus teaches that humans must live with a spirit of generosity and restraint; however, a spirit of meanness and greed dominates human culture and leaves nearly 1.3 billion people living on less than $1 a ...

  • Beyond Hashtag Activism: Comprehensive Justice in a Complicated Age, By Mae Elise Cannon

    Beyond Hashtag Activism

    Comprehensive Justice in a Complicated Age

    by Mae Elise Cannon

    The world is not as God intends it to be. God's heart is to make things right, and for the world to be just. But complex problems warrant more sustained attention than quick posts on social media. How can we actually make a difference? Activist Mae Elise Cannon takes us beyond the hashtags to serious engagement with real issues. God calls the church to respond substantively to ...

  • Still Life: A Memoir of Living Fully with Depression, By Gillian Marchenko

    Still Life

    A Memoir of Living Fully with Depression

    by Gillian Marchenko

    "I stand on the edge of a cliff in my own bedroom." Gillian Marchenko continues her description of depression: "I must keep still. Otherwise I will plunge to my death. 'Please God, take this away,' I pray when I can." For Gillian, "dealing with depression" means learning to accept and treat it as a physical illness. In these pages she describes her journey through various therapies and medications ...

  • Understanding Postmodernism: A Christian Perspective, By Stewart E. Kelly

    Understanding Postmodernism

    A Christian Perspective

    by Stewart E. Kelly
    With James K. Dew Jr.

    Postmodernity has matured. But the challenge of navigating our contemporary culture remains. In order for Christians to make wise decisions, we first need to understand the many facets of our postmodern context. If René Descartes is often identified as the first truly modern philosopher in light of his confidence in human reason, then postmodernism has taken Descartes to the woodshed. Stewart Kelly ...

  • In the Shadow of the Temple: Jewish Influences on Early Christianity, By Oskar Skarsaune

    In the Shadow of the Temple

    Jewish Influences on Early Christianity

    by Oskar Skarsaune

    Oskar Skarsaune makes a fresh contribution to our understanding of the development of the early church in its practice (e.g., worship, baptism and Eucharist) and doctrine (e.g., Scripture, Christology, pneumatology). This book offers the new perspective that Christians were in ongoing and deep conversation with Jews during the early centuries leading up to Constantine. The common perception of ...

  • You Are Not Your Own: Belonging to God in an Inhuman World, By Alan Noble

    You Are Not Your Own

    Belonging to God in an Inhuman World

    by Alan Noble

    The Gospel Coalition Book Awards Honorable Mention

    "You are your own, and you belong to yourself."

    This is the fundamental assumption of modern life. And if we are our own, then it's up to us to forge our own identities and to make our lives significant. But while that may sound empowering, it turns out to be a crushing responsibility—one that never ...

  • A Better Freedom: Finding Life as Slaves of Christ, By Michael Card

    A Better Freedom

    Finding Life as Slaves of Christ

    by Michael Card

    When Michael Card first started attending an African American church, he was struck by how the congregation worshiped Jesus as "Master." He soon learned that during slavery, calling Jesus "Master" was a subtle way of saying that their earthly masters were not their true Master. This insight led Card on a journey of discovery, as he wondered, "What did it mean for African American slaves to acknowledge ...