Showing 41 - 50 of 72 results

  • 6 Modern Myths About Christianity & Western Civilization, By Philip J. Sampson

    6 Modern Myths About Christianity & Western Civilization

    by Philip J. Sampson

    When did you last encounter a myth? Maybe watching a movie, touring a museum or browsing the sci-fi section of your local bookstore? To contemporary men and women, myths seem mere relics of a premodern era--legendary stories of capricious gods, heroic deeds and lost cities. The physical and social anxieties that gave rise to myths have been dealt with more productively in our century by science, ...

  • Christianity versus Fatalistic Religions in the War Against Poverty, By Udo Middelmann

    Christianity versus Fatalistic Religions in the War Against Poverty

    by Udo Middelmann

    Most literature and many aid efforts concerned with poverty relief and development function on mathematical assumptions. Those who have more should share with those who have less, thus creating equality. Some would add a moral component saying that those having more are morally wrong and must have gained their surplus from outright theft or unfair trade. But on the side of the needy, religious ...

  • Inside Job: Doing the Work Within the Work, By Stephen W. Smith

    Inside Job

    Doing the Work Within the Work

    by Stephen W. Smith

    Effective leaders work very hard to succeed, but often at the cost of their own souls. They are challenged to keep themselves emotionally and spiritually healthy in order to survive success—to keep their humanity intact. This is the work within the work. Stephen W. Smith helps leaders in the marketplace and in ministry set aside the life-draining values of power, fame, fortune and position and ...

  • Holy Scripture: Revelation, Inspiration  Interpretation, By Donald G. Bloesch

    Holy Scripture

    Revelation, Inspiration Interpretation

    Christian Foundations

    by Donald G. Bloesch

    Voted one of Christianity Today's Books of the Year

    In Holy Scripture, Donald G. Bloesch sets out the pivotal evangelical doctrines of the Bible's revelation, inspiration and interpretation. Striving to "defend the orthodox evangelical faith from its friends as well as its enemies," he provocatively argues against both evangelical rationalism and liberal ...

  • Faith That Lasts: A Father and Son on Cultivating Lifelong Belief, By Cameron McAllister and Stuart McAllister

    Faith That Lasts

    A Father and Son on Cultivating Lifelong Belief

    by Cameron McAllister and Stuart McAllister
    Foreword by Chris Brooks

    "Please fix my kid." In their work as Christian apologists, father and son Stuart and Cameron McAllister have heard many variations on this theme from concerned parents. It's a sentiment lots of Christian parents can relate to—a deep and fearful sense of their own inadequacy to raise their children in the faith amid a seductive culture that's often hostile to Christianity. In ...

  • Women in Ministry: Four Views, Edited by Bonnidell Clouse and Robert G. Clouse

    Women in Ministry

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Bonnidell Clouse and Robert G. Clouse
    Contributions by Robert Culver, Susan T. Foh, Walter L. Liefeld, and Alvera Mickelsen

    Should women teach men? Should they exercise authority over men? What about ordaining women?

    Even those who agree that Scripture must determine our answers do not agree on what it teaches. And too often differing sides have not been willing to listen to one another. This Spectrum Multiview volume shares the views of four deeply committed evangelicals that focus the discussion ...

  • Unsettling Truths: The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery, By Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah

    Unsettling Truths

    The Ongoing, Dehumanizing Legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery

    by Mark Charles and Soong-Chan Rah

    ECPA Top Shelf Book Cover Award
    American Society of Missiology Book Award
    ★ Publishers Weekly starred review

    You cannot discover lands already inhabited.

    Injustice has plagued American society for centuries. And we cannot move toward being a more just nation without understanding the root causes that have shaped our culture and institutions. ...

  • The Genealogical Adam and Eve: The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry, By S. Joshua Swamidass

    The Genealogical Adam and Eve

    The Surprising Science of Universal Ancestry

    by S. Joshua Swamidass

    Evolutionary science teaches that humans arose as a population, sharing common ancestors with other animals. Most readers of the book of Genesis in the past understood all humans descended from Adam and Eve, a couple specially created by God. These two teachings seem contradictory, but is that necessarily so? In the fractured conversation of human origins, can new insight guide us to solid ground ...