Showing 541 - 550 of 2656 results

  • Questions of Context: Reading a Century of German Mission Theology, By John G. Flett and Henning Wrogemann

    Questions of Context

    Reading a Century of German Mission Theology

    Missiological Engagements

    by John G. Flett and Henning Wrogemann

    The gospel is for every tribe, tongue, and nation (Revelation 7:9), but there is no single biblical or theological model for the relationship between the gospel and these diverse cultures. Indeed, every suggested approach carries its own range of philosophical and theological commitments that all too often remain unexamined. Contextualization is fraught with challenges—yet wrestling ...

  • When Everything's on Fire: Faith Forged from the Ashes, By Brian Zahnd

    When Everything's on Fire

    Faith Forged from the Ashes

    by Brian Zahnd

    Is it possible to hold on to faith in an age of unbelief?

    Intellectual certainty has long been a cornerstone of the Christian faith. But in an age of secularism, skepticism, and cynicism, our worldviews have been shaken. Various solutions exist—some double down on certainty, while others deconstruct their faith until there is nothing left at all. But Brian Zahnd offers a third ...

  • Picturing the Gospel: Tapping the Power of the Bible's Imagery, By Neil Livingstone

    Picturing the Gospel

    Tapping the Power of the Bible's Imagery

    by Neil Livingstone
    Foreword by Brian McLaren

    In our image-based culture, people need to visualize something to understand it. This has never been more true about our communication of the gospel. But sometimes our understanding of the gospel gets stuck in a rut, and all we know is a particular outline or one-size-fits-all formula. While we hold to only one gospel, the New Testament uses a wealth of dynamic, compelling images for explaining ...

  • Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric?: Wrestling with Troubling War Texts, By William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste

    Bloody, Brutal, and Barbaric?

    Wrestling with Troubling War Texts

    by William J. Webb and Gordon K. Oeste

    Word Guild Award Shortlist — Biblical Studies
    Word Guild Best Book Cover Award
    Association of University Presses Design Show — Book, Jacket, and Covers

    Christians cannot ignore the intersection of religion and violence, whether contemporary or ancient. In our own Scriptures, war texts that appear to approve of genocidal killings and war rape—forcibly ...

  • A Spacious Life: Trading Hustle and Hurry for the Goodness of Limits, By Ashley Hales

    A Spacious Life

    Trading Hustle and Hurry for the Goodness of Limits

    by Ashley Hales

    We're told that freedom and opportunity are our ticket to the good life. Get out there and follow your dreams! Be the hero of your own story! Find your happiness! Live your best life! It seems that limitless possibilities await anyone with vision and willingness to hustle their way through life.

    The thing is, instead of resulting in a sense of accomplishment, this ...

  • Faith That Lasts: A Father and Son on Cultivating Lifelong Belief, By Cameron McAllister and Stuart McAllister

    Faith That Lasts

    A Father and Son on Cultivating Lifelong Belief

    by Cameron McAllister and Stuart McAllister
    Foreword by Chris Brooks

    "Please fix my kid." In their work as Christian apologists, father and son Stuart and Cameron McAllister have heard many variations on this theme from concerned parents. It's a sentiment lots of Christian parents can relate to—a deep and fearful sense of their own inadequacy to raise their children in the faith amid a seductive culture that's often hostile to Christianity. In ...

  • Beyond Racial Gridlock: Embracing Mutual Responsibility, By George Yancey

    Beyond Racial Gridlock

    Embracing Mutual Responsibility

    by George Yancey

    Christians have struggled with racial issues for centuries, and often inadvertently contribute to the problem. Many proposed solutions have been helpful, but these only take us so far. Adding to this complex situation is the reality that Christians of different races see the issues differently. Sociologist George Yancey surveys a range of approaches to racial healing that Christians have used and ...

  • Popcultured: Thinking Christianly About Style, Media and Entertainment, By Steve Turner


    Thinking Christianly About Style, Media and Entertainment

    by Steve Turner

    There's no avoiding popular culture—we've been enculturated into it. What does it mean to be faithful Christians in a pop culture world? How do we think Christianly about celebrity and leisure? Some Christians try to abstain from "worldly" pursuits, while others consume culture indiscriminately, assuming it has little effect on them. But if Christ is Lord of all of life, then there ought to be Christian ...