Showing 541 - 550 of 2508 results

  • A Community Called Taize: A Story of Prayer, Worship and Reconciliation, By Jason Brian Santos

    A Community Called Taize

    A Story of Prayer, Worship and Reconciliation

    by Jason Brian Santos
    Foreword by Desmond Tutu

    Taizé--the word is strangely familiar to many throughout the contemporary church. Familiar, perhaps, because the chanted prayers of Taizé are well practiced in churches throughout the world. Strangely, however, because so little is known about Taizé--from its historic beginnings to how the word itself is pronounced. The worship of the Taizé community, as it turns out, is best understood ...

  • The Message of Judges, By Michael Wilcock

    The Message of Judges

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Michael Wilcock

    The book of Judges contains some of the most famous of the Bible's stories, as well as some of the least known. They show us the deepest sins of humanity but reveal them in the light of God's abundant grace. Behind human leaders such as Deborah, Jephthah, and Samson stands the principal actor in this drama: God as Judge, discerning and deciding. Michael Wilcock astutely explores ...

  • The Message of Leviticus: Free to Be Holy, By Derek Tidball

    The Message of Leviticus

    Free to Be Holy

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Derek Tidball

    For many Christians, the book of Leviticus is largely unknown and unread. Yet this book is crucial for understanding the rest of the Bible and the nature of the gospel. In this Bible Speaks Today volume, Derek Tidball shows how this vital part of Scripture is of foundational importance for our view of God and Christian living. Revealing the original message to the people of Israel ...

  • The Kingdom and the Cross, By James Bryan Smith

    The Kingdom and the Cross

    Apprentice Resources

    by James Bryan Smith

    We believe a lot of false narratives about the nature of God, things like "God helps those who help themselves"; "God blesses the righteous"; "God might not be out for your good, and you might be missing something." But pastor and professor James Bryan Smith, author of the Apprentice Series, points us to the truth of who God is, revealed by Jesus: A God who loves to help the helpless. A God who ...

  • Based on a True Story, By James Choung

    Based on a True Story

    IVP Booklets

    by James Choung

    Everybody likes a good story. Especially if it's based on true, real-life events. But what kind of story is compelling enough to transform your life? Can a story be powerful enough to change the whole world?

  • Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health, By Judith Allen Shelly and Sandra D. John

    Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health

    by Judith Allen Shelly and Sandra D. John

    Health--physical, mental, spiritual. All three are closely related. But in modern mental-health care one of them is often neglected. Nurses, social workers and counselors are rarely taught to minister to their client's spiritual needs. In fact, they are sometime told to ignore them altogether. But spiritual needs can play a part in any illness. They may become especially strong when the mind ...

  • The Accidental Anglican: The Surprising Appeal of the Liturgical Church, By Todd D. Hunter

    The Accidental Anglican

    The Surprising Appeal of the Liturgical Church

    by Todd D. Hunter
    Foreword by J. I. Packer

    Many are longing for historical connectedness and for theology that is "not tied to the whims of contemporary culture, but to apostolic-era understandings of Christian faith and practice." They also yearn for rhythms and routines that build spiritual health. Still others are responding to a call to participate in worship rather than merely sitting back and looking at a stage. Liturgy offers all ...

  • Integrity: Living the Truth, By Carolyn Nystrom


    Living the Truth

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Carolyn Nystrom

    Is truth an outdated concept? Today it is often considered rude to speak of right and wrong. In such a culture of relativism, we desperately need to be reminded of the biblical value of integrity. In these ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study invite us to find contentment in who are and how we follow God as we grow to be people of real integrity. For over three decades ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • On Getting Out of Bed: The Burden and Gift of Living, By Alan Noble

    On Getting Out of Bed

    The Burden and Gift of Living

    by Alan Noble

    Christianity Today Award of Merit

    Meditations on Why Life is Worth Living

    We aren't always honest about how difficult normal human life is.

    For the majority of people, sorrow, despair, anxiety, and mental illness are everyday experiences. While we have made tremendous advancements in therapy and psychiatry, the burden of living still comes down ...

  • Great to Good: How Following Jesus Reshapes Our Ambitions, By Jae Hoon Lee

    Great to Good

    How Following Jesus Reshapes Our Ambitions

    by Jae Hoon Lee

    Greatness is overrated.

    People tend to measure success by worldly standards. We assume that greatness comes from charisma, influence, and followers. But God cares more about our character than about what people around us think of our reputations.

    Pastor Jae Hoon Lee challenges us not to pursue greatness but to grow in goodness. Jesus called his followers to cultivate ...