Showing 571 - 580 of 2902 results

  • The Radical Pursuit of Rest: Escaping the Productivity Trap, By John Koessler

    The Radical Pursuit of Rest

    Escaping the Productivity Trap

    by John Koessler
    Foreword by Mark Galli

    • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award

    We live in a culture that values activity, achievement and accomplishment. Whether in our careers, churches, schools or families, busyness is the norm in our lives, and anything less makes us feel unproductive and anxious. We have to work all the harder, then, to pursue true rest in a 24-7 ...

  • Christian Spirituality: Five Views of Sanctification, Edited by Donald Alexander

    Christian Spirituality

    Five Views of Sanctification

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Donald Alexander
    Contributions by Gerhard O. Forde, Sinclair B. Ferguson, Laurence W. Wood, Russell P. Spittler, and E. Glenn Hinson

    How can we grow closer to God? Is there a secret to spiritual life? Do we need a second blessing? Is sanctification God's work or ours? Is it instantaneous or is it a process?

    The nature of Christian spirituality has been widely debated throughout the history of the church. The doctrine of sanctification was one of the main fissures separating Luther from the Catholic Church. ...

  • Partnering with the Global Church, By Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye

    Partnering with the Global Church

    Urbana Onward

    by Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Femi B. Adeleye

    In our globally interconnected world, mission depends on healthy partnerships across the globe. Many talk about wanting to partner with the Global South, but we're not always sure what that looks like on the ground. Too often North Americans have acted as if we don't need others to do what we think God has called us to do. And our witness overseas has suffered as a result. We need to live out a ...

  • Your Mind's Mission, By Greg Jao

    Your Mind's Mission

    Urbana Onward

    by Greg Jao

    Your mind has a mission. Sometimes it might seem like Christians just want your body—to serve or go. Or it might seem like they just want your heart—to emote in worship or commit to a cause. But that's not all. God invites us to love him with our minds as well. Being holistic, global Christians means that we need to think well about the world around us. Greg Jao roots our pursuit of the discipleship ...

  • I Forgrace You, By David A. Anderson

    I Forgrace You

    Doing Good to Those Who Have Hurt You

    BridgeLeader Books

    by David A. Anderson

    Most of us are familiar with the golden rule: "Do unto others as you want them to do unto you." And if people treat us well, we generally do the same in return. But what about when others hurt us? Jesus gives us an even higher calling: "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you" (Luke 6:27-28). David Anderson shows us how we can ...

  • Kneeling with Giants: Learning to Pray with History's Best Teachers, By Gary Neal Hansen

    Kneeling with Giants

    Learning to Pray with History's Best Teachers

    by Gary Neal Hansen

    Christian Resources Together Devotional Book of the Year

    Do you sometimes find yourself searching for a way to approach God or wondering how to get out of a devotional slump? Do you long for spiritual guides you can trust?

    This guide to prayer is rooted in centuries of Christian tradition. In each chapter you'll meet a figure from church history, such as St. ...

  • IVP Formatio stands in IVP's evangelical publishing tradition by integrating God’s Word with spiritual practice and by prompting readers to move from inward change to outward witness. These books are not merely about being informed, but about being transformed by Christ and conformed to his image. IVP Formatio is symbolized by the chambered nautilus, which reflects spiritual formation because of its continual spiral journey outward as it moves from its center. We believe that each of us is made with a deep desire to be in God’s presence. IVP Formatio books help us to fulfill our deepest desires and to become our true selves in light of God's grace.

  • The Message of Esther, By David G. Firth

    The Message of Esther

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by David G. Firth

    The book of Esther tells the dramatic story of how the destruction of the Jews was averted through the bravery of Esther, the wisdom of Mordecai, and the unity of the Jewish people. Yet Esther is a rather strange book to find in the Bible. Not only is it set entirely outside of the Promised Land, it also shows no interest in that land. More than that, Esther is the only book in ...

  • The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery, By David G. Benner

    The Gift of Being Yourself

    The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery

    The Spiritual Journey

    by David G. Benner
    Foreword by M. Basil Pennington

    "Grant, Lord, that I may know myself that I may know thee." —Augustine Much is said in Christian circles about knowing God. But Christians throughout the ages have agreed that there cannot be deep knowledge of God without deep knowledge of the self. Discerning your true self is inextricably related to discerning God's purposes for you. Paradoxically, the more you become like Christ, the more you ...