Showing 581 - 590 of 2911 results

  • John 11-21: Volume 4B, Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    John 11-21

    Volume 4B

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Gospel of John was beloved by the early church, much as it is today, for its spiritual insight and clear declaration of Jesus' divinity. Clement of Alexandria indeed declared it the "spiritual Gospel." Early disputers with heretics such as Cerinthus and the Ebionites drew upon the Gospel of John to refute their heretical notions and uphold the full deity of Christ. This Gospel more than any ...

  • Romans 1-8, By Gwenfair Walters Adams

    Romans 1-8

    New Testament Volume 7

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    by Gwenfair Walters Adams

    "If we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his." (Rom. 6:5) With its themes of grace, sin, justification, and salvation through Christ alone, Paul's letter to the early church in Rome has been a primary focus of Christian reflection throughout church history. Sixteenth-century reformer Martin Luther reflected ...

  • New Testament Christological Hymns: Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance, By Matthew E. Gordley

    New Testament Christological Hymns

    Exploring Texts, Contexts, and Significance

    by Matthew E. Gordley

    We know that the earliest Christians sang hymns. Paul encourages believers to sing "psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs." And at the dawn of the second century the Roman official Pliny names a feature of Christian worship as "singing alternately a hymn to Christ as to God." But are some of these early Christian hymns preserved for us in the New Testament? Are they right before our eyes? New Testament ...

  • Renewal Worship: A Theology of Pentecostal Doxology, By Steven Félix-Jäger

    Renewal Worship

    A Theology of Pentecostal Doxology

    Dynamics of Christian Worship

    by Steven Félix-Jäger

    At its best, all Christian worship is led by the Holy Spirit. But is there a distinctive theology of Pentecostal worship?

    The Pentecostal church or the renewal movement is among the fastest-growing parts of the body of Christ around the world, which makes understanding its theology and practice critical for the future of the church.

    In this volume in IVP Academic's Dynamics ...

  • Beginning Well: Christian Conversion & Authentic Transformation, By Gordon T. Smith

    Beginning Well

    Christian Conversion & Authentic Transformation

    by Gordon T. Smith

    "Saints are made by good conversions." In this challenging and provocative book, Gordon T. Smith contends that a chief cause of spiritual immaturity in the evangelical church is an inadequate theology of conversion. Conversion, he says, involves more than a release from the consequences of sin--the goal is spiritual transformation. But there is little transformation without a complete and authentic ...

  • Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive: And the Truth That Sets Us Free, By Jonathan P. Walton

    Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive

    And the Truth That Sets Us Free

    by Jonathan P. Walton
    Foreword by Greg Jao

    "America is a Christian nation." "All men are created equal." "We are the land of the free and the home of the brave." Except when we're not. These commonly held ideas break down in the light of hard realities, the study of Scripture, and faithful Christian witness. The president is not the Messiah, the Constitution is not the Bible, and the United States is not a city on ...

  • 6 Modern Myths About Christianity & Western Civilization, By Philip J. Sampson

    6 Modern Myths About Christianity & Western Civilization

    by Philip J. Sampson

    When did you last encounter a myth? Maybe watching a movie, touring a museum or browsing the sci-fi section of your local bookstore? To contemporary men and women, myths seem mere relics of a premodern era--legendary stories of capricious gods, heroic deeds and lost cities. The physical and social anxieties that gave rise to myths have been dealt with more productively in our century by science, ...

  • Redeeming Sex: Naked Conversations About Sexuality and Spirituality, By Debra Hirsch

    Redeeming Sex

    Naked Conversations About Sexuality and Spirituality

    Forge Partnership Books

    by Debra Hirsch
    Foreword by Gabe Lyons

    Missio Alliance Essential Reading List
    Readers' Choice Award Winner
    Seedbed's 10 Notable Books

    Nothing has exposed the gap between the church and the broader society quite like the cultural argument over sexuality. Relationships, identities, orientations and even seemingly straightforward concepts such as gender have cut battle lines between the church and the ...

  • Revolution of Values: Reclaiming Public Faith for the Common Good, By Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

    Revolution of Values

    Reclaiming Public Faith for the Common Good

    by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove

    • 2019 Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award - Political and Social Sciences

    The religious Right taught America to misread the Bible. Christians have misused Scripture to consolidate power, stoke fears, and defend against enemies. But people who have been hurt by the attacks of Christian nationalism can help us rediscover God's vision for faith ...

  • Canoeing the Mountains: Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory, By Tod Bolsinger

    Canoeing the Mountains

    Christian Leadership in Uncharted Territory

    by Tod Bolsinger

    Over 100,000 Copies Sold Worldwide!

    Learning to Lead Through Uncharted Territory

    Explorers Lewis and Clark had to adapt. While they had prepared to find a waterway to the Pacific Ocean, instead they found themselves in the Rocky Mountains. You too may feel that you are leading in a cultural context you were not expecting. You may even feel that your ...