Showing 581 - 590 of 1595 results

  • Bringing Home the Prodigals, By Rob Parsons

    Bringing Home the Prodigals

    by Rob Parsons

    Rob Parsons' message is for anyone who cares about prodigals. He urges us to be released from false guilt, to stop judging each other, and to remember that God, the perfect parent, has trouble with his children, too. He challenges the church to recognize the part it has played in creating prodigals and says, when our prodigals do come home, pray that they meet the father first and not the elder ...

  • A Mind for God, By James Emery White

    A Mind for God

    by James Emery White

    To be fully human is to think. The apostle Paul calls us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" (2 Cor 10:5). But James Emery White fears that Western Christians are failing in this task. Because we have not developed good intellectual habits, our minds instead have been captured by our culture. A Mind for God is written to help us break free from this ...

  • The Path of Celtic Prayer: An Ancient Way to Everyday Joy, By Calvin Miller

    The Path of Celtic Prayer

    An Ancient Way to Everyday Joy

    by Calvin Miller

    Discover an ancient way of prayer that leads us to new union with God. "Long ago," Calvin Miller writes, "when the Celts built their own rustic kingdom of God in what would later be the British Isles, their fervor in prayer washed their world in a vital revival." In uncertain and dangerous days of high infant-mortality rates, leprosy and plagues, the Celts breathed candid prayers out of the reality ...

  • Between Allah & Jesus: What Christians Can Learn from Muslims, By Peter Kreeft

    Between Allah & Jesus

    What Christians Can Learn from Muslims

    by Peter Kreeft

    What would happen if Christians and a Muslim at a university talked and disagreed, but really tried to understand each other? What would they learn? That is the intriguing question Peter Kreeft seeks to answer in these imaginative conversations at Boston College. An articulate and engaging Muslim student named 'Isa challenges the Christian students and professors he meets on issues ranging from ...

  • Doubting: Growing Through the Uncertainties of Faith, By Alister McGrath


    Growing Through the Uncertainties of Faith

    by Alister McGrath
    Foreword by Ravi Zacharias

    We live in a culture that doubts everything as a matter of principle. In such an environment, how can even faith be immune to doubt? Can I really trust in the gospel? Does God really love me? Can I really be of any use to God? We are taught to doubt but commanded to believe. Somehow we think that admitting to doubt is tantamount to insulting God. But doubt is not a sign of spiritual weakness--rather ...

  • Surprised by Jesus: His Agenda for Changing Everything in A.D. 30 and Today, By Tim Stafford

    Surprised by Jesus

    His Agenda for Changing Everything in A.D. 30 and Today

    by Tim Stafford

    We all know who Jesus is--or think we do. We see children flock to him and gentle wisdom lovingly pour from him. We see the kindest man in the world. But these pictures are deceptively familiar. In the Gospels Jesus says and does many puzzling things--like shriveling a fig tree or telling followers to keep his miracles a secret. He is hard on his opponents, the Pharisees, but also makes extreme ...

  • The Danger of Raising Nice Kids: Preparing Our Children to Change Their World, By Timothy Smith

    The Danger of Raising Nice Kids

    Preparing Our Children to Change Their World

    by Timothy Smith
    Foreword by Tim Kimmel

    Nice is not enough. We are raising a generation of "nice" kids. Nice kids are well behaved and look good on the outside, but they often lack courageous character inside. Offering practical wisdom gleaned from his experience as a parent and family coach, Tim Smith helps you move your kids from simply polite to truly compassionate. He targets nine key qualities children need but ...

  • Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry, By John Stott

    Basic Christian Leadership

    Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry

    by John Stott

    Leadership today is no easy task. Christian leaders called to shepherd others get caught in power struggles and are tempted to abuse their pastoral authority. Pastors feel that they must project strength and certainty in order to preach and minister credibly. Too often our models of leadership are shaped more by culture than by Christ. John Stott offers an alternative vision in this biblical approach ...

  • Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations: Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission, By George Miley

    Loving the Church . . . Blessing the Nations

    Pursuing the Role of Local Churches in Global Mission

    by George Miley

    Rediscovering the role God designed for the church in mission is a critical issue facing the missions movement today. That role is to glorify God by planting churches among every tongue, tribe, and nation. Planting churches amid unreached peoples is a complex process. It calls forth every ministry gift and the contribution of every believer. Imagine a businessman, a construction worker, a schoolteacher, ...

  • Down-to-Earth Spirituality: Encountering God in the Ordinary, Boring Stuff of Life, By R. Paul Stevens

    Down-to-Earth Spirituality

    Encountering God in the Ordinary, Boring Stuff of Life

    by R. Paul Stevens
    Foreword by Charles Ringma

    Most books on spirituality focus on disciplines like prayer and Bible study. But this can mislead us into thinking that God can only be experienced when we are doing something "spiritual." Apart from private devotional times or church on Sundays, God may seem distant and even irrelevant to our daily lives. R. Paul Stevens has a radically different view of Christian spirituality. True spirituality, ...